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17th December 2009 By Graham P. Smith

John Kenneth Muir.

The wonderful John Kenneth Muir has been an outspoken supporter of Millennium, in fact I quoted one of his remarkable insights and reflections into the series for our Episode Guide's Introduction to Millennium, I hope he doesn't mind!

Recently John was granted what turned out to be a fascinating and lengthy interview with Millennium's equally wonderful creator Chris Carter. I won"t give anything away except to say that its a great interview and one not to be missed.

As Wikipedia puts it, John Kenneth Muir (born 1969) is an American literary critic. He has written over twenty-one reference books in the fields of film and television, with a particular accent on the horror and science fiction genres. He has been described as one of the horror genre's "most widely read critics", and as an "accomplished film journalist".

You can enjoy reading John's full article including the interview with Chris Carter at his superb blog over at John Kenneth Muir's Reflections on Film/TV. Beware, one note of caution, you"ll be glued to John's fascinating website for a very long time, so be sure to bookmark it!

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