Archived Millennium Themes
As you may know, Millennium-This Is Who We Are is the rebranded version of Millennium Desktop UK, a site which came about wholly from distributing a Millennium desktop theme for users of Microsoft Windows 98 (was it really that long ago?!). Prior to the relauch, the name probably confused many fans of the Millennium TV series unless they happenned to know the origins of the site and the fact that it came about as a way of distributing the desktop theme to users of the Millennium newsgroup saving me from having to upload it several times a day upon request. The site grew as a result of my interest in webdesign and the desire to brighten up the download page with a few images. Who would have thought that this would evolve into such a large website and feature-laden forum community!
Presented below purely for posterity are the original Millennium desktop themes for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME. These themes contained desktop background wallpaper images, icons and sound effects from the Millennium tv series. Please note however that these themes are now very old and computer operating system software has moved on a great deal; from the basic wallpaper image and icons of Windows 95 to the translucent effects of Windows XP, to the cool glass effects of Windows Vista's 'Aero' interface. Microsoft decided to lock the desktop theme element of Windows XP and so users had to rely on third party software to make use of desktop themes such as Stardock's range of products including Window Blinds. It was possible for these classic desktop themes to work on Windows XP by switching to the 'Classic' appearance beforehand.
Welcome Frank.
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Archived Millennium Themes for legacy versions of Windows
Obviously you are (hopefully!) unlikely to still be using such outdated and insecure legacy versions of Windows, but should you be tempted to run a virtual old version of Windows for posterity, here are the original Millennium themes for you to have a play with.
Click on the images previews of each theme or use the download buttons to access and download and unzip each theme using Windows, 7Zip, Winrar, Winzip or similar software. To install these themes, use the Windows Control Panel. Alternatively see's Support page.
Millennium Theme No.1 (for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME)
The first Millennium desktop theme provides an attractive background showing Frank and Catherine Black with Peter Watts and a Millennium script. The windows appear in a blue hue.
Download Millennium Theme 1 (zipped)
Size: 2.38MB
Millennium Theme No.2 (for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME)
The second Millennium desktop theme provides a plainer background with Frank Black and the Millennium title logo. Windows are displayed in a greenish hue.
Download Millennium Theme 2 (zipped)
Size: 563KB
Millennium Theme No.3 (for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME)
The third Millennium desktop theme contains Polaroid based desktop icons, the Millennium title Logo, the face of criminal profiler Frank Black and silver coloured windows
Download Millennium Theme 3 (zipped)
Size: 763KB