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Millennium Episode Violence - Suicides

Chris Carter's Millennium television series can be remembered for its violent deaths, serial killers and brutal murders. Here we present a listing of Millennium's suicides, both by self harming and those as a result of third party manipulation. You can selectively filter the results of this listing using the options to the right of this page, marked Violence Filters.

Please note that these listings only record the violence that occurred during each episode, and do not include acts of violence that occurred in the past. For example, Fabricant's previous murders which are referred to in dialogue are not included in the listings. Also, some of Millennium's characters were responsible for singular or multiple deaths which are un-profiled (they do not possess character profiles in our episode guide so their profiles will appear blank) such as anonymous bomb victims that are accounted for only as statistical data throughout an episode's dialogue. Relevant extraneous data of this nature will instead be included in the relevant character's profile.

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Violence Filters

The list of suicides that you are currently viewing includes the suicides and manipulated suicides that occurred throughout the entire Millennium series.

Using the options below to differentiate between the lawful and required actions by law enforcement agencies and for example, Millennium's serial killers, you may wish to filter the results to display only:


Further analysis

You can also view a breakdown of Millennium's mortality statistics per individual episode.

Millennium Season 1 - Mortality Rates

Millennium Season 2 - Mortality Rates

Millennium Season 3 - Mortality Rates

Grateful thanks...

With extra special thanks to Viivi for her time and dedication in listing all of Millennium's killers, victims and methods of their untimely demise!

Also my grateful thanks as always to Libby for her invaluable database contributions, transcripts and skills!


Millennium contained 21 suicides:

  1. Art Nesbitt commited suicide during the Millennium episode Loin Like a Hunting Flame (#MLM-111).
  2. Attendant Woman commited suicide during the Millennium episode The Innocents (#MLM-301).
  3. Bob Birckenbuehl commited suicide during the Millennium episode Weeds (#MLM-109).
  4. Brock commited suicide during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me (#MLM-221).
  5. Carlin commited suicide during the Millennium episode Force Majeure (#MLM-112).
  6. Fair-haired Deena commited suicide during the Millennium episode The Innocents (#MLM-301).
  7. Killean Haskel commited suicide during the Millennium episode The Wild and the Innocent (#MLM-110).
  8. Lauren commited suicide during the Millennium episode Force Majeure (#MLM-112).
  9. Lucas Francis Barr commited suicide during the Millennium episode Goodbye To All That (#MLM-322).
  10. Lucas Sanderson commited suicide during the Millennium episode Saturn Dreaming of Mercury (#MLM-316).
  11. Mabel Shiva commited suicide during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  12. man in hotel room commited suicide during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  13. Michael Lanyard commited suicide during the Millennium episode Matryoshka (#MLM-314).
  14. Mr Crocell commited suicide during the Millennium episode The Curse of Frank Black (#MLM-207).
  15. Mr. Ho commited suicide during the Millennium episode Human Essence (#MLM-309).
  16. Mrs. Dolores Garry commited suicide during the Millennium episode Covenant (#MLM-116).
  17. The Aging Stripper commited suicide during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me (#MLM-221).
  18. Waylon commited suicide during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me (#MLM-221).
  19. woman #1 in hotel room commited suicide during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  20. woman #2 in hotel room commited suicide during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  21. woman #3 in hotel room commited suicide during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).

Manipulated Suicide:

Millennium contained 11 manipulated suicides:

  1. Abum caused a suicide, that of victim Brock during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me (#MLM-221).
  2. Greb caused a suicide, that of victim Waylon during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me (#MLM-221).
  3. Iron Lung Man caused a suicide, that of victim Lauren during the Millennium episode Force Majeure (#MLM-112).
  4. Iron Lung Man caused a suicide, that of victim Carlin during the Millennium episode Force Majeure (#MLM-112).
  5. Jim Gilroy caused a suicide, that of victim Killean Haskel during the Millennium episode The Wild and the Innocent (#MLM-110).
  6. Steven Kiley caused a suicide, that of victim Mabel Shiva during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  7. Steven Kiley caused a suicide, that of victim woman #1 in hotel room during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  8. Steven Kiley caused a suicide, that of victim woman #2 in hotel room during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  9. Steven Kiley caused a suicide, that of victim man in hotel room during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  10. Steven Kiley caused a suicide, that of victim woman #3 in hotel room during the Millennium episode Goodbye Charlie (#MLM-210).
  11. Toby caused a suicide, that of victim The Aging Stripper during the Millennium episode Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me (#MLM-221).