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Andreas Katsulas - Millennium Cast Profile

A Millennium cast profile of Andreas Katsulas, listing all episodes and seasons in which Andreas Katsulas appeared. The main cast and guest stars of Chris Carter's Millennium have summaries, trivia and biographies where available.

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Profile ID



  • May 18 1946.


  • February 13 2006.


  • Andreas Katsulas would have been 78 years old.

Personal Trivia

  • Andreas Katsulas sadly died of lung cancer on February 13, 2006.
  • Andreas Katsulas appeared in 1 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Andreas Katsulas didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Andreas Katsulas didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Andreas Katsulas' Millennium Cast Profile

Andreas Katsulas - Millennium profile image.


Andrew C. "Andreas" Katsulas (May 18, 1946 - February 13, 2006) was an American actor perhaps best known for his roles as Ambassador G‘Kar in the science fiction television series Babylon 5, as the one-armed villain Sykes in the film The Fugitive (1993), and as the Romulan Commander Tomalak on Star Trek: The Next Generation.


Early life

Born in St. Louis, Missouri to a working-class Greek American family, he first became hooked on acting when he was 4 years old and his mother took him to a local community theater. He studied theatrical arts at Saint Louis University and earned a Master‘s degree in Theatre from Indiana University. From 1971 to 1986, he toured with Peter Brook‘s international theatre company, performing improvisational and prepared theater pieces on stages ranging from the Lincoln Center to barrios in Venezuela.


Katsulas moved to Los Angeles, California in 1986. His film roles include appearances in The Sicilian, Someone to Watch Over Me, Sunset, Hot Shots! Part Deux, The Fugitive, and Executive Decision.

Katsulas was a regular on Babylon 5, where he played Ambassador G‘Kar. He also guest starred on many television shows, including: Alien Nation; The Equalizer; Murder, She Wrote; NYPD Blue; Millennium; Star Trek: The Next Generation (episodes "The Enemy", "The Defector", "Future Imperfect", and "All Good Things...", all as Tomalak); Star Trek: Enterprise (season 2, episode 22, "Cogenitor"); and Max Headroom. He also appeared in the tv-movie The Death Of The Incredible Hulk. He featured as a voice actor in the PlayStation 2 titles Primal (as Scree the gargoyle), and 24: The Game (based on the TV series 24).


In early 2005, Katsulas who, in the words of Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski, "loved smoking with a passion that cannot be described," was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer; he died the next year, in Los Angeles, California, at the age of 59. He is survived by his wife and two children.

Jerry Doyle‘s radio show devoted a memorial show to Andreas, who was a close friend. He mentioned Andreas fixing food for the homeless in L.A. every Sunday. Jerry pointed out that Andreas did many things to help people, out of compassion, not for publicity.

Profile text courtesy of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Andreas Katsulas was a member of Millennium's cast.

External Sites

Official Website

An official website for Andreas Katsulas is available at: Entry

Andreas Katsulas has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry:

Sorry, there is currently no Movie Database link available to an entry for Andreas Katsulas.

Wikipedia Entry

Andreas Katsulas has a Wikipedia entry:

Social Media Presence

Official X Profile

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Millennium Appearances

Andreas Katsulas appeared in the following 1 episode/s of Millennium:

MLM#-315 Forcing the End as Moses Gourevitch