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Kimberly Hawthorne - Millennium Cast Profile

A Millennium cast profile of Kimberly Hawthorne, listing all episodes and seasons in which Kimberly Hawthorne appeared. The main cast and guest stars of Chris Carter's Millennium have summaries, trivia and biographies where available.

Please note that our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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This profile has been viewed 2518 times.

It was last viewed on Saturday, January 18, 2025, 2:41 AM (UTC).

Profile ID



  • April 19, 1968.


  • Kimberly Hawthorne is currently 56 years old.

Personal Trivia

  • Height: 5′ 5″ (1.65 m)
  • Born April 19, 1968, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
  • Kimberly Hawthorne appeared in 1 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Kimberly Hawthorne didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Kimberly Hawthorne didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Kimberly Hawthorne's Millennium Cast Profile

Kimberly Hawthorne - Millennium profile image.


Kim Hawthorne is a native of Newark, New Jersey. When she was just 12 years old she began studying opera and went on to earn a classical music scholarship to Birmingham-Southern College in Alabama. After graduating with honors and a Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre, she launched her professional theatre career at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. It was there she originated the role of “Minnie Dove Charles” in Pearl Cleage’s FLYIN’ WEST under the direction of Tony Award winning director, Kenny Leon. Soon after, she moved to New York City where she made her Broadway debut performing the lead role of “Queen” in Cy Coleman and Ira Gasman’s musical, THE LIFE, directed by Michael Blakemore.

Ms. Hawthorne has over 30 years experience on the stage, big screen and television. As a series regular, she portrayed the indelible, Kerissa Greenleaf, on OWN’S critically acclaimed tv series, GREENLEAF. And most recently she has recurred on SEAL TEAM, MRS. DAVIS and THE LINCOLN LAWYER.

She is the co-author, with Angela Dixie, of the business etiquette book, “A to Z Affirmations for Good Business, 26 Savvy Suggestions to Improve Your Business Acumen.” She is also the force behind Kim Hawthorne Coaching, an agency that offers acting consultations, as well as life coaching for those looking to define and design their life’s Divine Purpose.

When she is not acting, hosting events, or overseeing The Regal Wrap™, her ready-to-wear head wrap line that has been featured in O Magazine as one of Oprah’s Favorite Things, Ms. Hawthorne enjoys spending quality time with her two sons.

Profile text courtesy of official website biography.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Kimberly Hawthorne was a member of Millennium's cast.

External Sites

Official Website

An official website for Kimberly Hawthorne is available at: Entry

Kimberly Hawthorne has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry:

Sorry, there is currently no Movie Database link available to an entry for Kimberly Hawthorne.

Wikipedia Entry

Kimberly Hawthorne has a Wikipedia entry:

Social Media Presence

X Profile

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Instagram Page:

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Facebook Page

Sorry, we don't currently have an official Facebook page for Kimberly Hawthorne.

Millennium Appearances

Kimberly Hawthorne appeared in the following 1 episode/s of Millennium:

MLM#-104 The Judge as (?) (II)