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Mariangelo Pina - Millennium Cast Profile

A Millennium cast profile of Mariangelo Pina, listing all episodes and seasons in which Mariangelo Pina appeared. The main cast and guest stars of Chris Carter's Millennium have summaries, trivia and biographies where available.

Please note that our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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This profile has been viewed 2928 times.

It was last viewed on Saturday, January 18, 2025, 2:48 AM (UTC).

Profile ID



  • August 15, 1953.


  • Mariangelo Pina is currently 71 years old.

Personal Trivia

  • Born: August 15, 1953 in Chama, New Mexico, USA
  • Mariangelo Pina appeared in 1 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Awards Won for Millennium

  • Unfortunately Mariangelo Pina didn't win any awards for Millennium.

Award Nominations for Millennium

  • Sadly Mariangelo Pina didn't receive any award nominations for Millennium.

Mariangelo Pina's Millennium Cast Profile

Mariangelo Pina - Millennium profile image.


Mariangela Pino is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Diane Koscinski in the 1994 film Richie Rich and her recurring role as Marie Morton on the sitcom Home Improvement.

Early life and education

Pino was born in Chama, New Mexico. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Temple University and a Master of Fine Arts in performance art from the University of California, San Diego.


In 1986, Pino appeared in the Off-Broadway play Orchards. Other television credits include Wiseguy, Who's the Boss?, L.A. Law, Murder One, Chicago Hope, ER, NYPD Blue and The Pretender.

In April 1996, Pino had a bit part in a made-for-TV movie, Unforgivable, co-starring with John Ritter and Harley Jane Kozak. Pino also appeared in the films Op Center (1995), The Souler Opposite and Living Out Loud, both released in 1998.

Her last acting credit was a guest appearance on Touched by an Angel in 1999. Mariangela Pino ran "The Center for True North" with her husband Hank Landau in Springdale, Utah.

Profile text courtesy of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Mariangelo Pina was a member of Millennium's cast.

External Sites

Official Website

If you are aware of an official website for Mariangelo Pina, let us know and we'll add it to this section. Entry

Mariangelo Pina has an entry at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database): Entry:

Sorry, there is currently no Movie Database link available to an entry for Mariangelo Pina.

Wikipedia Entry

Sorry, we don't currently have a Wikipedia entry link for Mariangelo Pina.

Social Media Presence

Official X Profile

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Instagram Page

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Facebook Page

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Millennium Appearances

Mariangelo Pina appeared in the following 1 episode/s of Millennium:

MLM#-220 A Room With No View as Teresa