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Averie Maddox - Looking to the future

An interview with actress Averie Maddox who portrayed Deena and her sisters in The Innocents.

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Interview Info

This interview has been viewed 4819 times.

It was last viewed on Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2:53 AM (UTC).

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Millennium Cast or Crew Interview:

This is a cast interview with Averie Maddox.

Personal Trivia:

  • Averie Maddox appeared in 2 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Averie Maddox - Looking to the future

Averie Maddox - Millennium profile image.


After the apocalyptic denouement of Millennium's second season the creative team had an undeniably difficult task in reintroducing the franchise to its fans and followers. The Innocents/Exegesis did this superbly and with much ambition. Averie Maddox must hold the rare distinction of playing the greatest number of roles in a single episode of the show. As Deena and her various 'sisters' she gave a memorable and gutsy performance, imbuing each clone with the right amount of individuality to make the portrayal so successful. Averie took time to speak to us recently and we cannot thank her enough for the warmth and friendship she has extended to the campaign and fans of the show. Be sure to share your comments about this fantastic interview as I know Averie will be dropping by to see what you guys think and I have a feeling you will love it.

BACKTOFRANKBLACK.COM: You have expressed a love of performing from a young age, describing it as something you have always done. Could you tell us a little about yourself before you filmed Millennium? In addition, I would imagine there are few certainties in your chosen profession and I wondered how you prevent yourself from becoming disenfranchised from this love when times are difficult?

AVERIE MADDOX: I remember being a little girl and knowing that I wanted to be in the movies. My grandma used to call me her "Little Movie Star" and I have been in love with the movies since I first saw "Charlotte's Web" at the theater when I was very little. I was also in love with singing, and Little Orphan Annie. My poor dog had the unfortunate luck of looking just like Sandy and so I would lock us in my bedroom and perform the whole thing over and over by myself. A One Girl Show! I attended The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena and a summer program at Oxford University before appearing in my first role on television for "The Client" And the second part of your question about becoming down about this business? Like any love relationship, it has its ups and downs. But I am in it for the long haul. I write a lot of poetry and music, as well as lyrics to get my frustrations and ya-yas' out.

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