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Trevor White - Black and White

BackToFrankBlack talk with Trevor White, Millennium's Doug Scaife.

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Interview Info

This interview has been viewed 3782 times.

It was last viewed on Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:54 AM (UTC).

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Millennium Cast or Crew Interview:

This is a cast interview with Trevor White.

Personal Trivia:

  • Trevor White appeared in 5 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Trevor White - Black and White

Trevor White - Millennium profile image.


To fans of Millennium, Trevor White needs no introduction. He first graced our screens in Season Two's, "Midnight of the Century", but to supporters of the franchise he will always remain as 'Doug Scaife'. Doug entertained us during Season Three as a technician who worked in the FBI Forensic Sound Lab, Doug assisted Frank ("Mr. B.") on several occasions. Trevor kindly took time away from his busy schedule to speak exclusively to

BACKTOFRANKBLACK: Firstly, on behalf of all at our thanks in agreeing to speak to us. To open the interview I would very much like to know if your experience of Millennium differed between your appearance in season two's Midnight of the Century and season three's reoccurring role?

TREVOR WHITE: Definitely. We had a lot of fun filming the scenes for "Midnight of the Century" (one of my fellow "elves" was a friend of mine, Donny Lucas), but of course the parts were quite small and very rapid-fire, so not nearly as well-rounded as the character of Doug Scaife, which I performed in Season Three. As soon as I read the audition script for Doug Scaife I knew I wanted to do it, the confidence and cheekiness of the character really appealed to me, and two auditions later, Chris Carter thankfully agreed and I got the part.

BTFB: Your second character, Doug Scaife, was introduced to viewers during the show's Third Season. Were the cast and crew aware, at the time you joined, that show had been canceled and, if so, does this create a different atmosphere than that which is experienced when joining a continuing franchise?

TW: I can't speak for the others of course, but I wasn't aware that the show was in danger of being canceled until the end of filming season three, and even then, I suppose it still depended on viewing figures for those final few episodes. My fellow cast and the crew were always top notch and a real joy to work with and it's just a shame I had such a good part just before they canceled the whole series!!

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