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ACTS Security Officer - Millennium Character Profile

A Millennium character profile, listing all episodes in which ACTS Security Officer appeared. All main characters of Chris Carter's Millennium have detailed profile descriptions and profile photos where available, with more descriptions routinely added.

Where relevant, the Millennium character profile includes any determined ties or specific allegiances, for example with the competing factions of the Millennium Group introduced in Season Two; the secular Owls or the theological Roosters, or whether the character is determined as being associated with the seemingly coordinated presence of pure evil working against humanity, known informally as Legion.

Please note that all of our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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Millennium Character Profile Stats

This profile has been viewed 3519 times.

It was last viewed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:00 AM (UTC).

Profile ID


Behaviorial Record

There is no behavorial data available for ACTS Security Officer.

Faction, Occupation, Rank etc.

There is no pertinent data available for Millennium character ACTS Security Officer.

Personal Trivia

  • ACTS Security Officer appeared in 1 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

ACTS Security Officer's Millennium Character Profile

ACTS Security Officer - Millennium profile image.


During the Halloween episode of Millennium, The Curse Of Frank Black, Frank Black is startled by a knock on his window. He walks over and opens it and sees an ACTS security guard. The guard says he is responding to a report of someone climbing through the window. Frank confirmed it was he himself, the householder.

They shake hands and the guard leaves. As the guard is walking away, Frank notices A.C.T.S. on the back of the guard's yellow raincoat. He runs to the living room window and watches the guard get into his car. He grabs and shuffles through the mail again from "Association of Craftsmen Technicians and Specialists", "Academy of Children's Television Society", "Academic Community of Teachers & Students". He looks out the window again and as the security car drives away we see the license plate "ACTS 268".

Frank then walks over and grabs a bible from a shelf and sits down in his chair. He opens it to "The Acts of the Apostles: Acts 1-28". He puts on his glasses and flips through the pages until he finds "Acts 26.14". Scrolling down the page he finds passage 8 which reads "Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?". He sits back in his chair and sighs, hugging the bible close to his chest. He then looks at the pumpkin sitting on the coffee table in front of him, and notices the knife that he used to carve its face with is now sticking out of its forehead.

Profile courtesy of The Old Man.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

ACTS Security Officer was a character in the television series Millennium.

Mortality Count: 
0 Deaths

Violence Markers

No markers identified for ACTS Security Officer.

Millennium Appearances

ACTS Security Officer appeared in the following 1 episode/s of Millennium: