The Old Man - Millennium Character Profile
A Millennium character profile, listing all episodes in which The Old Man appeared. All main characters of Chris Carter's Millennium have detailed profile descriptions and profile photos where available, with more descriptions routinely added.
Where relevant, the Millennium character profile includes any determined ties or specific allegiances, for example with the competing factions of the Millennium Group introduced in Season Two; the secular Owls or the theological Roosters, or whether the character is determined as being associated with the seemingly coordinated presence of pure evil working against humanity, known informally as Legion.
Please note that all of our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.
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Millennium Character Profile Stats
This profile has been viewed 10765 times.
It was last viewed on Thursday, November 7, 2024, 5:00 AM (UTC).
Profile ID
Behaviorial Record
There is no behavorial data available for The Old Man.
Faction, Occupation, Rank etc.
Millennium Group Leader
Personal Trivia
- The Old Man's Millennium Group Database login is the phrase: "The time is near".
- The Old Man's parents were gassed at Auschwitz, Poland by Rudolph Axmann.
- The Old Man lives in a log cabin located in woods near the town of Bucksnort, which does not appear on any map. The cabin contains a fax machine and an amazing volume of books, references and fascinating diagrams. The cabin is surrounded by a circle of small stone obelisks or markers, each engraved with an Ouroborus, the adopted ancient symbol of The Millennium Group.
- Also inside the Old Man's cabin is the sole remaining piece of the Cross of the Crucifixion, shipped from Amann, Jordan.
- Helmut Gunsche brutally murdered the Old Man in the basement of Frank's yellow house, for which he was killed in a car bomb explosion.
- Upon the death of The Old Man, an Elder assumes the title of the new Old Man.
- The Old Man appeared in 3 episode/s of the Millennium television series.
The Old Man's Millennium Character Profile
The leader of The Millennium Group, he was responsible for educating Candidates on the nature of Evil. Among them was Frank Black who visited Bucksnort on the request of Peter Watts (Beware of the Dog).
An Elder, presumably a wise and intelligent man is chosen to be the spiritual leader of the Group. This chosen one is dubbed the "Old Man". The Old Man has a number of tasks which include (but are not limited to) initiating candidates, providing moral guidance, making predictions (refer to the scenes inside his cabin which show predictions and timelines), and providing any high priority consultation. The Old Man commands the utmost respect of all Group members, and his word is prime over all others.
The Old Man travelled to Seattle and, through his death, reunited The Millennium Group, which had begun disintegration through the influence of Odessa. When questioned by Lara Means on what faction he believed (Owls or Roosters), he replied that he had already "seen the end of the world" when Rudolph Axmann had his parents gassed at Auschwitz (Owls, Roosters).
It‘s revealed that The Old Man approached Peter Watts with an offer to join The Millennium Group. Watts, going through an especially difficult period, saw comfort in The Group, and agreed (The Time Is Now).
Profile courtesy of Millennium FAQ.
Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit
The Old Man was a character in the television series Millennium.
Mortality Count:
0 Deaths
Violence Markers
No markers identified for The Old Man.
Millennium Appearances
The Old Man appeared in the following 3 episode/s of Millennium: