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Zero/Kramer - Millennium Character Profile

A Millennium character profile, listing all episodes in which Zero/Kramer appeared. All main characters of Chris Carter's Millennium have detailed profile descriptions and profile photos where available, with more descriptions routinely added.

Where relevant, the Millennium character profile includes any determined ties or specific allegiances, for example with the competing factions of the Millennium Group introduced in Season Two; the secular Owls or the theological Roosters, or whether the character is determined as being associated with the seemingly coordinated presence of pure evil working against humanity, known informally as Legion.

Please note that all of our episode, cast, character and crew profiles may contain potential spoilers if you have yet to see the entire series of Millennium.

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Millennium Character Profile Stats

This profile has been viewed 2822 times.

It was last viewed on Friday, January 24, 2025, 10:55 AM (UTC).

Profile ID


Behaviorial Record

There is no behavorial data available for Zero/Kramer.

Faction, Occupation, Rank etc.

There is no pertinent data available for Millennium character Zero/Kramer.

Personal Trivia

  • Zero/Kramer appeared in 1 episode/s of the Millennium television series.

Zero/Kramer's Millennium Character Profile

Zero/Kramer - Millennium profile image.


Patient Zero (Dr. William R. Kramer) infected himself with an experimental mind control weapon he was developing within The Human Genome Project.

The Project, an effort to produce a blueprint of the "functional and evolutionary history of the human species," was stepped up for completion by the millennium.

Profile courtesy of Millennium FAQ.

Millennium Cast, Character or Crew Credit

Zero/Kramer was a character in the television series Millennium.

Mortality Count: 
2 Deaths

(Comprised of 2 murders + 0 kills in self defence + 0 justifiable homicides + 0 suicides.)

Violence Markers

Zero/Kramer was responsible for the murder of John Doe #1 during the Millennium episode Sense and Antisense (#MLM-203).

Zero/Kramer was responsible for the murder of John Doe #2 during the Millennium episode Sense and Antisense (#MLM-203).

Millennium Appearances

Zero/Kramer appeared in the following 1 episode/s of Millennium: