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21st February 2003 By Graham P. Smith
As Millennium fans and enthusiasts worldwide wait for an official release of the show from Fox, many fans are looking for an alternative method of collecting episodes especially as Millennium is currently not being screened in the US. I often receive queries regarding the infamous Japanese Millennium DVD Box Set. My warnings have been clear in the past that these DVD-R‘s which are usually advertised on E-Bay as being intended only for the Japanese Media for promotional purposes are not at all official and are of very poor quality. In fact members of This Is Who We Are, the Millennium Message Board have been recently discussing the product again. I urge all Millennium fans to stay well clear.
I would like to draw attention to a recently discovered excellent and absorbing review of the Japanese Box-Set produced by Zeta Minor Millennium DVD Review. The site features a detailed review and analysis of the Japanese Millennium Season One Box Set, including still screenshots. This review can be found here.