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28th July 2003 By Graham P. Smith
This Is Who We Are Millennium Message Board member, Miranda Cooley from the US was kind enough to post a link for TV Shows On DVD. The site offers the facility to vote for shows that viewers would like to see released on DVD and yes of course Millennium is included. You need to register which is a quick, easy and free requirement. Once registered you can vote for Millennium (and of course other shows). The creators of TV Shows on DVD state in their FAQ:
Nothing against petitions, but we feel this site is better organized. On this site you can let multiple studios know that you"d buy their TV product if it was released on DVD. It i‘ limited to one show or one studio. Since we"re going to be working with the studios there i‘ the hostility that petitions sometimes bring. We aren"t demanding they release the show, we"re simply showing them how many people would be interested in buying the show if it were released.
Thank you to "waxwingsidehop" for the link.