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8th September 2003 By Graham P. Smith
Millennium will be released on DVD (at least Seasons 1 and 2), but it won"t happen until late in 2004, at the earliest. According to a respected industry source who contacted this site last week, this is the opinion from Peter Staddon, one of 20th Century Fox‘s Senior Officials. Mr Staddon has already voiced his support of Chris Carter‘s Millennium making the transition from film to DVD format during an on-line interview earlier this year.
We are advised that the delay is apparently due to the ongoing quest to obtain legal clearance for the many songs which were contained within the various episodes. At the time Millennium was conceived, the DVD format wa‘ the popular medium it is today, and at that time no negotiations were attempted to secure up-front the required ancillary rights for an eventual DVD release. Therefore Fox now have to go back, and obtain permission from the rights holder(s) of each specific piece of music used in the series. If the artist, or label is unwilling to grant the required permission to use the music on the DVD, then this can obviously cause severe problems.
According to our source, Mr Staddon has been briefed regarding what features should be included on a potential DVD release of the series and he also been presented with a large example of the support from the Millennium‘s fan-base.
Millennium fans who may be somewhat sceptical of this reassuring but bitter-sweet news may wish to consider that the issue of re-acquiring legal rights for music contained within episodes is not unique to Millennium. Fans of the highly successful and popular Miami Vice are in a similar predicament to that of Millennium fans, that of endlessly awaiting news of an Official Release of their favourite program to find that it has been delayed for legal reasons. Universal Entertainment provided this explanation to fans at
" We understand your want and need for the release of Miami Vice on DVD format. However, as we had attempted to make this possible, it became impossible due to music clearance/royalties involved in satisfying the artists/musicians. This issue was a MAJOR contingency for the production of consumer DVD boxed sets from other popular shows as you may have noticed in your local retail stores right now. Although Miami Vice was very popular in the early to mid 1980s, there were MANY songs from various artists utilized in the production of the series as every one of you should know. Unfortunately, there are NO plans of releasing Miami Vice on DVD now or in the future. We are very sorry."
Sad news indeed for many Miami Vice fans hoping to own the series on DVD format. That show however contained a lot more music in many more episodes and seasons and we must remember that Millennium only contained sixty seven episodes over three seasons. Perhaps the relatively short life of Millennium may for once prove to be a positive asset.