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8th May 2004 By Graham P. Smith

Good news for Fox and also for UK Millennium fans eagerly awaiting the 12th July 2004. During the 6th May, the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has reviewed and passed the extra Bonus Features for Millennium: The Complete First Season. Fans may wish to view the results of each session at the BBFC Site here:

  • Millennium: Order In Chaos - Making Millennium Season One 48m 44s
    This work was passed with no cuts made. Certified as 18
  • Millennium - Inside Look - 24 TV Product Sizzle Segment (Episode Trailers to you and I) - 2m 44s
    This work was passed with no cuts made. Certified as PG.
  • Millennium Featurettes - Millennium Season One VAM - Creating The Logo and Title Sequence 30m 54s
    This work was passed with no cuts made. Certified as PG.

The first few episodes were already rated by the BBFC for the PAL VHS Video Tape release back in 1998 and hence will not be reassessed. The remaining episodes of Season One (not all got a VHS release) have not yet received their classification but are expected to be awarded 15 status. Only the pilot has so far received an 18 classification.

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