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2nd June 2004 By Graham P. Smith
With DVD pre-order Sales of Millennium: The Complete First Season exploding, This Is Who We Are Moderator and Lance Henriksen Magic (Edit: Site has since closed) creator Sue Myatt thought it was high time to start a Petition supporting the creation of a Millennium Movie and the return of Frank black and The Millennium Group. The Petition is officialy supported not only by ourselves, also Lance Henriksen Magic (Edit: Site has since closed) and The Millennial Abyss but also Lance Henriksen (Millennium‘s Frank Black) himself.
During the recent interview with Web Magic‘s Sue hosted by TIWWA which you can read in full here, Lance was asked by one Millennium fan about the chances of a Millennium movie.
Lance replied, "Yeah, I"m hoping that happens. If enough people write to Fox it could happen."
Well the petition has been launched and here‘s what Lance has said about what we"re doing: "What a mindblower, that you start something to get Fox to make Millennium ....if this ground swell grows, into a fire storm ... thank you for your belief and support".
Over the next couple of months, all signatures will be collected, and a mailing campaign will be sent to the executives at Twentieth Century Fox.
The Petition can be found here so please support it by spreading the word...