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26th December 2001 By Graham P. Smith
Late October, I commented on the appearance of a Season One Millennium DVD Box-Set which had appeared on E-bay. Recently another edition appeared on E-Bay and was discovered by Francis Bedros who posted his discovery on the Millennium Newsgroup. I recently e-mailed the successful bidder of the original box-set to see if he had received the goods and to find out what he thought about the quality. So far I have yet to receive a reply. It is unknown if Francis" discovery is in fact the same set, but fellow Group member Steve was able to provide some more information:
"I contacted a seller about this about a month ago. I don"t know if it‘s the same person, he/she had a different E-bay name, but was located in Hong Kong.
Anyway, this is what I was told about these DVD‘s:
I don"t know if the seller is legit or not. Steve."
Here are some photographs from the auction page:
I get a warm tingly feeling just imagining an official DVD release set looking like this on my DVD shelf!