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12th July 2006 By Graham P. Smith
Television viewers in the UK may have recently noticed a new promotion for ITV4 and the the charming face of Frank Black gazing back at them across their living rooms. ITV4 will be screening Millennium later this year as part of its Autumn schedule, hopefully introducing a new generation of fans who will seek out the series on DVD and on the Internet. For those who don"t yet own the series on DVD, we"ll reveal the scheduling dates of the repeated episodes as soon as they are known. Meanwhile thanks to Chris for his efforts in trying to find out when ITV4 will air the series (hopefully not at 4am!):
Thank you for your email. We will screen Millennium later in the year. However, we have no scheduling details at present. I"m sorry I can"t offer further information at this time. Regards, Duty Officer
Many thanks also to all those who have contacted MDUK with the news.