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11th October 2006 By Graham P. Smith
This October is a month of celebrations as many Millennium fans will no doubt realise. In a few days time, we remember the birthday of Chris Carter, Millennium‘s creator who of course named his production company (Ten Thirteen Productions) after his birthday on October 13th.
Also this month we celebrate Millennium‘s 10th Anniversary. Yes amazingly its been a decade since Frank Black first profiled his way onto our television screens in the episode Pilot. Millennium‘s network première episode was first broadcast in the USA, which attracted over 17 million viewers, the highest rating network premiere in history on October 25th 1996. I"ll be starting a new run of episode watching to celebrate on October 25th, I urge you to do the same!
Further ahead this month of course is Halloween, when many Millennium fans take the opportunity to watch the themed episodes The Curse of Frank Black and Thirteen Years Later.