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12th May 2009 By Graham P. Smith

Frank‘s not so yellow house as seen on Microsoft‘s Live Maps.

You may already be familiar with our *Millennium Episode Locations Map, upon which we"ve plotted on top of satellite maps all of the main locations mentioned throughout the 3 seasons of Millennium. I like to keep the map updated when Google adds new features to their Google Maps API, so now you"ll find the improved map controls and a useful Search Bar at the bottom left of the page from where you can search locations and get directions, ideal if you are planning a tour. Just click on the magnifying glass and the search box will slide out. I"ve added the same features to our forum‘s Member Map, which has the further addition of Google‘s somewhat controversial but extremely cool and useful Street View facility.

What‘s this got to do with Frank‘s Yellow House I hear you ask? Well whilst I was busy making these changes, I happened to check the similar Live Maps (Microsoft‘s mapping facility), and found it now contains "Birds Eye View" images of the famous Black Family yellow house, long since painted white.

You can find these much more detailed aerial shots here, don"t forget to zoom in and out and rotate the view around to get a different perspective.

* Broken link now repaired.

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