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3rd June 2009 By Graham P. Smith

The Millennium Group Homepage.

After a private beta testing period, I"m pleased to announce the launch of our latest feature for fans of Millennium, Chris Carter‘s critically acclaimed television series, The Millennium Group Homepage.

Long time fans of Millennium will remember one or two fan created homepages over the years featuring the Millennium Group‘s Ouroborus logo, and whilst this one is no different in featuring the mystical symbol, the aim with our new version has been to make the page as genuinely useful as possible, whilst of course keeping in tradition with series.

Whilst the basic idea is to have the homepage function as an Internet browser homepage as per the request of our forum members, its also perfectly okay to bookmark the page and use it at any time.

Currently the Millennium Group Homepage has the following features:

  • Millennium Group logo with "Welcome Frank" message and accurate "days remaining" countdown message in tribute to the Millennium Group network log in screen as seen series.
  • Options to personalise the welcome message, the days remaining countdown timer and as an extra treat, select either the standard Group logo (Ouroborus) or the hacked Owl version depending upon your allegiance!
  • Ajax-powered Google Internet Search using the Google Search API, which means you can perform multiple Google searches without ever leaving the page and narrow your search to Web, News, Images, Blogs, Video (Youtube) and Books, even when flicking through the pages of results. Google currently limit their Search API to a maximum of 64 results, this is not changeable but should be more than enough. Also, there is a small issue with the Blog search results being limited to one page, this is awaiting a bug fix from Google.
  • Built in ajax-powered RSS import - to fetch, display and keep you updated with the latest topics from TIWWA Millennium Message Board (our forums), the latest news articles from our main website M-TIWWA and latest news from the campaign.
  • Options to smoothly open and close the various parts of the page depending upon your personal preference.
  • Integration with Millennium - - Search our main website and if you prefer you can narrow your search parameters to episode transcripts, profiles (episode, cast, crew and character), our Music Guide, articles, reviews and more.
  • Rest assured, all internet searches via the Google Search function are private and are not logged, stored or accessible by us. Please follow the Privacy link at the bottom of the page for more details.

Your settings to personalise the page are stored in cookies on your local computer for 31 days (due to increase shortly), so its personalised every time you open your homepage unless the cookies are removed or expire. However you can change the options as many times as you like.

Unless you personalise the page, the welcome message is set to Frank (Black) and the days remaining currently match M-TIWWA, which is the amount of days remaining to the popular December 12, 2012 (the often quoted and supposed end of the Mayan calendar).

As the page has a permanent link, we are able to update the page with improvements without the need for users to download new versions. Simply bookmark the page or set it as your browser‘s homepage.

Whether you use it for fun at home, college or work, or find it genuinely useful, the new Millennium Group is ready to be bookmarked and can be found permanently at

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