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6th July 2009 By Graham P. Smith launches a competition on Monday 6th July with Bone Dry director Brett Hart to win a signed copy of the DVD and Soundtrack of the film. The competition will close on Sunday 26th July 0000 GMT.
Bone Dry, if you haven"t yet seen it and believe me you should, is a not-to-be missed, edge-of-your-seat intelligent thriller, with outstanding performances by Luke Goss and Lance Henriksen.
Brett, who is a dedicated advocate of the campaign to see Lance Henriksen return as criminal profiler Frank Black, has offered to direct a Millennium movie for free in a special message to Millennium creator Chris Carter, and has recorded a video commercial for the BackToFrankBlack campaign which you can see at their website.
Edit: 2023 Original image courtesy of Mark Hayden from BackToFrankBlack but no longer exists.