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7th September 2009 By Graham P. Smith

Sarah-Jane Redmond as Millennium's Lucy, the campaign dedicated to seeing the return of Chris Carter's Millennium, has concluded its special week long homage to Lucy Butler with an exclusive audio interview with Sarah-Jane.

BacktoFrankBlack: The Millennium Group Sessions, hosted by Troy Foreman and co-hosted by Jim McLean is now available for free download via and is also available on iTunes! Remember that you don"t need an iPod or MP3 Player to listen to the interview, you can download either the standard MP3 version (for listening to via your computer, MP3 player or cellphone) or the enhanced version with extra photographs (if you have QuickTime installed or an iPod).

Sarah-Jane answers a plethora of questions on a variety of subjects including her background and how she got into acting, recent film and television roles, and of course her most memorable role as Millennium's Lucy Butler.

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