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26th March 2002 By Graham P. Smith
The Millennium Internet Community is on fire with rumours concerning the suspected release date of Millennium: Complete First Season on DVD.
Millennial Abyss has details of websites which all seem to point to a release date of 31st December 2002. There is some sadness as August was originally thought to be the month of its release. However, experts are predicting 31.12.02 to be an accurate date as the 31st falls on a Tuesday. Those in the know advise that most new DVD Releases are issued on Tuesday as the preferred day of the week.
For more info visit these links, they each open in a new window:
Fox however remain quiet and have not yet cited any details of a release on their websites. One thing is clear though, each site refers to exactly the same name for Millennium, which is Millennium: Complete First Season.
Credit: Brian Dixon‘s Millennial Abyss