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General musings, millenniumistic & otherwise

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Attention: UK History Buffs

I received this from an automatic news-by-e-mail service of the Civil War Preservation Trust. To save space here I've attached the e-mail text in an Adobe pdf file. The preservation of American Civil War sites has now moved to the UK -- read the text for the details. CWPT_UKSite.pdf



Give me a break!

'Nativity' Booted From Ill. Holiday Fair Apparently "Christmas" can still be celebrated as long as nobody mentions the "Christ" part or the reason for the season. Some people get crazier on this issue every year. Frankly, it has become tiresome to hear this 'issue' brought up year after year.



Why do the atheists care what I believe?

Articles like this scare me a bit because of who they may help damn to Hell. A band of intellectuals is mounting a crusade against the belief in God. So I have to ask, "why do they care what I believe?" It isn't like I'm trying to take their time to try to convince them of anything so why should they think they have the right to take anyone else's time to argue against what I might believe? I fear for where such 'crusading' may lead the more impressionable youth of our world, especi



Potentially controversial news

I thought I'd better put these here instead of the regular board so nobody gets bent out of shape about commenting on politics and cultural issues: I think the main thrust of this article should be to make everybody take notice of the sad shape we've let the educational system in the US get into: Gun class for Utah teachers =============================================== U.S. agents question teen -- Girl ran anti-Bush page on MySpace A picture caption from the article: "McCl



Jumping to conclusions

Saw an internet news headline that said: "Howard Dean: We are going to take back Texas." So I go bopping over to the article thinking that maybe the Dems have finally decided to admit that the illegal immigration problem in the border states has gotten totally out of control. To my dismay, I find out he's talking about the Dems winning back the Texas Congressional seats from the Republicans.



Avast, Mateys, time is 'bout run out!

For all you pirate wannabes out there, time has about run out for you to practice your best Jack Sparrow (or whoever you choose to be) before the next International Talk Like a Pirate Day next Monday, September 19. Only one weekend left to practice. Read more here.



Hey, Brad, listen up!

Curiosity got the better of my usually good judgement on what to spend time reading in the internet news and I opened the article: Brangelina to Marry When Everybody Can The beginning says: "Brad Pitt, ever the social activist," (he is???) "says he won't be marrying Angelina Jolie until the restrictions on who can marry whom are dropped." Brad, listen real hard...hear that deafening silence? That's the sound of me and a lot of other people actually giving a damn what you do!



New pet picture added

Check out the custom content block to the right and down the page to see the newest addition to our menagerie of pets. "Tiger" came to us as another stray. Someone threw a mother cat and two kittens out in our area in the aftermath of the Katrina hurricane when everyone was still recovering from power outages and the like. They took up residence in the wooded area behind my neighbor's house and she began putting food out for them. After a quite a number of days, my neighbor's daughter, a sto



If dragons existed, what kind would you be?

You Are A Gold Dragon, you live in palaces in hight mountains(very very very high!). You are one of the most beautiful dragons, and the purest too. You are a symbol of loyalty, justice and honesty. You will help anyone in need and would only fight if your life was endangered. You can spit chlorine gas and fire. You are the stongest dragon magically but will use your magic only for good. You have shapeshifting abilities and you can eat anything, but you still have a preference for fine gems. Near



What I did on my Saturday night

My wife and I typically don't go out for entertainment on weekends since everything costs so much nowadays and most all venues are some distance away from where we live. But a new venue called the "Mockingbird Opry" had its first show last night (sort of a test run to see what attendance might be) in a small town just 15 miles or so south of us. One of the featured acts was a bluegrass group called the "Amite River Boys." Damn good show! I had a secondary reason for wanting to go since one



Anyone with interest in folk songs...

I've posted a few new pages on the web site I run for the Amite County Historical and Genealogical Society under the history feature. One of my pasttime interests is folk music, some of which I do a little rewriting of the lyrics to relocate it to SW Mississippi or otherwise tie it to Amite Co. I've also made some home recordings of some of these songs as well as some things I created outright. If you would like to read the lyrics on some of these &/or listen to MP3 versions of the songs



...And even more blog scripts...

You Are A Maple Tree There's not anyone in this world quite like you. You are full of imagination, ambition, and originality. Shy but confident, you hunger for new experiences. You have a good memory and learn easily. You are sometimes nervous and always complex (especially in love). What's Your Celtic Horoscope? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourceltichoroscopequiz/ ================================================================ You Are an Old Soul You ar



Some more stupidly interesting blog scripts

Your Monster Profile Basilisk Gaze You Feast On: Pickles You Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks You Especially Like to Torment: Hairdressers What's Your Monster Name? http://www.blogthings.com/monsternamegenerator/ You Are 16% Sociopath You're empathetic, loyal, and introspective. In other words, there's no way you're a sociopath... but you can spot one pretty easily! Are You A Sociopath? http://www.blogthings.com/areyouasociopathquiz/ Your Famous



Send a US soldier a thank-you

Know how you feel when you get an unexpected greeting card in the mail? Help give a US soldier the same feeling and say thank you for their service. Go to this web site and pick out a card, enter the information requested including a short customized message if you like, and submit the result. A card will be sent to a randomly-chosen US soldier on duty in the Middle East.



Another interesting blog script

Ever wonder which modern US President you're most like? Now, not the one you like/liked the best but the one you're most similar to. Here's what it told me. Go to the link in the promo line at the end to run your own. You Are Most Like George H. W. Bush You're considered boring by people that don't know you well. But like Bush senior, you do crazy things. Maybe you'll end up banning broccoli in your house, or puking on the Prime Minster of Japan! What Modern US President Are



The News Media -- a pet peeve I have...

OK, for as long as I can remember the media has talked about the Arab organization 'Hezbollah' with everyone using the same version of the name. Now that the organization is so much in the news, why have different news organizations suddenly decided to change the spelling they use? So far today I've seen 'Hezbollah,' Hizbollah,' 'Hizbullah' and 'Hezbullah.' So what's up???? Are the media now suddenly afraid they'll piss-off the Arabs if they spell the name differently from what the Arabs



A couple of lighter topics today...

Want to know what was No. 1 on the music charts in the US and UK on the day you were born? Visit "this day in music" web site. Heck, I'm so old that the charts don't even go back that far. I followed the instructions in the note to have it look up my 'life's theme song' which was whatever was no. 1 on my 18th birthday. My 'life's theme songs' are: US -- Do Wah Diddy Diddy - Manfred Man UK -- (There’s) Always Something There To Remind Me - Sandie Shaw I'm not sure how the US hit is a



Observations on a paradox

I noticed in the news where there was a massive conflict between fans at the world soccer matches after Germany won their last match. What I cannot understand is the paradox this demonstrates. Supposedly a majority of the citizens of various European countries think the US is overly bellicose and too quick to take aggressive action in other countries, e.g., Iraq. These citizens will condemn the US's actions, but will apparently become violent at the drop of a hat over something as mundane and



Global Warning -- The science not the hype

I was glad to see this article published as an alternative to all the hype that keeps being foisted on the people of the Western Hemisphere, particularly in the US. I'm sure the liberal politicos, Al Gore in particular, and the even-more liberal celebrities from Hollywood and the music world will want to have a lot of this science pooh-poohed as not believable. However, since the "alarmist" rantings always come down to believe me because I said so and not because I can prove anything scientifi



Here's something you UK-ers might find interesting

A "pibroch" (or "pibrough" as it sometimes spelled) is basically a militaristic hymn intended to encourage avid support for a cause. I heard a version of a Scottish pibroch about the Scots' support of Bonnie Prince Charlie by a Confederate reenactor group/band called the 12th Louisiana String Band (album named "Songs of the Southern Highlands"). Since this song is in the public domain, I "borrowed" the tune and composed new words to give yet another description/Confederate tribute centered on th



Before You Go

This is a bit belated for this year's Memorial Day observance but it's worth a watch any time. A friend sent this to me in an e-mail. Before You Go



A memory of a significant event from my past

On 10 January 1975 an F4 tornado roared across Pike County, a corner of Lincoln County and into Lawrence County in southwest Mississippi, following a typical tornadic path to the northeast from its point of origin. The funnel first appeared at treetop height in the northeast corner of Percy Quin State Park and cut a swath through forested areas until it neared the open pasture land area on the outskirts of McComb, MS. There the storm dropped to the surface. Crossing Interstate Hwy. 55, the



Pack of Dogs Attack, Kill Alligator

If you are at all squeamish you may wish to pass on this one. Sometimes nature is cruel but there is also a beauty in that cruelty. The alligator, as one of the ultimate predators, can fall victim to the kind of implemented 'team work' strategy which is possible due to the pack mentality and social structure of canines. See the attached and remarkable photograph courtesy of Nature Magazine. But NOT if you're squeamish! This is NOT for the faint of heart! . . . . .



A song I wrote

I've written a number of songs over the years, some that I set to unique tunes I created, some set to old traditional folk songs. This is one that's all mine. I think it's the best thing I've ever done, but if you're not into story songs/ballads, you probably won't care about it. This describes a real event, the battle of Franklin, TN on November 30, 1864. My Great great Uncle John Anderson, sergeant, Co. K, 33rd Mississippi Infantry was killed there. This song implies that he knew his time was



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