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General musings, millenniumistic & otherwise

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Interesting Little Blog Script

What's your TRUE Chinese Astrological Sign? I found this on another msg. board and found my result of this little script interesting in light of the Owls/Roosters factions of the Millennium Group and the Season 2 mytharc that focused so much on that: 10. Rooster. Flamboyant, competitive, outspoken, confidence, artistic, quick-thinking, resourceful, observant, honest, trustworthy, and respectful. You like to be in control of your life, especially your appearance so you can be a perfecti



Guitar Lovers -- Attention!

Whether you play or just listen or just like to see unusual instruments, visit this site with pix of unusually made or decorated guitars.



Amusing Web Site

Whether you're a fan of Chuck Norris or not, you'll have to admit the hyperbole on this site is pretty funny. Chuck Norris Facts One of my favorites says: Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver, and won!



Merry Christmas To All!

Just a quick note to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year)!



A Different Christmas Poem!

I got this from a friend in an e-mail. Author not given. A DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS POEM! The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were



A Little "toot Of My Own Horn"

I'm proud to announce the completion of a monument to the Confederate soldiers from Mississippi who participated in the Battle of Franklin (Tennessee) on November 30, 1864. Of all the Confederate states represented in the battle, Mississippi lost more men killed in action and as casualties who later died of wounds than any other state. Officially 424 men were killed and buried there but the number of losses was significantly greater due to some casualties being unidentifiable, some being physi



At Least It's Been A Good Year For Some Things

Here's a photo of our harvest of Japanese persimmons. Note that these all came from only one tree which hasn't yet been stripped bare and doesn't include the first pickings which were mostly given away to visitors.



Just An Update

I've had a couple of inquiries about my recent lack of new posts to the blog. I've been so busy with my volunteer efforts on behalf of the Amite County Historical and Genealogical Society (ACHGS), I haven't had time to really work on anything in the blog. Although I'm no cyber-geek, I am probably the most internet-wise member of the society so I've volunteered to do a quarterly newsletter (electronic for other e-mail active members, print for the electronically challenged), a web site achgs



The Original Rolling Stones

Interestingly, it turns out I know a member of rockabilly group from the fifties that are now being recognized for their pioneering in that field of rock 'n roll. They called themselves the "Rolling Stones" long before Jagger, et. al. used the name. Read the details here . BTW, in the vintage photo, my friend is the guitarist to the right from the viewer's perspective.Here he is today:Forgive me Joe, hope you don't mind having your likeness shown.



World's Ugliest Dog

Associated web page article follows:"World's ugliest dog - see for yourself By Jon Nones, 01 Jul 2005 at 01:03 PM The owners of the other contestants in this year's World's Ugliest Dog Contest may have thought their pooches had a chance -- until they saw Sam.Ah! Somebody get Sam into horror films. I'm going to have nightmares.The 14-year-old pedigreed Chinese crested recently won the Sonoma-Marin Fair contest for the third consecutive time.Surprise, surprise.He's so ugly even the judges recoiled



I'm Surprised They Didn't "need A Bigger Boat"

Fishermen catch, eat record-sized catfish Thu Jun 30, 9:11 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fishermen in northern Thailand have caught the biggest catfish on record -- a 646-pound (293-kg) giant the size of a grizzly bear -- and eaten it, the WWF and the National Geographic Society said on Wednesday. The giant catfish, believed to be the largest freshwater fish ever found, was caught along the Mekong River, home to more species of massive fish than any river on Earth."We've now confirmed that this c



New Ghost Photo Updates Already

GhostStudy.com already has the June photo album up on the website. Has one of those pics that I find the most spooky -- images of people in the screens of non-operative TV sets.In the same vein, here's another internet article:Conan Doyle's obsession with the afterlife



Attention Flower Freaks!

For all you flower freaks out there, check out the last photo on the screen left side of my wife's flowers. The last one is a new addition. I promise it is a real flower, not plastic, wax, or ceramic although it has an artificial look.If you prefer to open the pic this way, here's a link to the photo attachment.



Not My Musings...but They Fit My Mood Sometimes

I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped on. I can't afford one. So, I'm wearing my garage door opener.You know, I spent a fortune on deodorant before I realized that people didn't like me anyway. I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans! I was thinking about old age and decided that it is 'when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it'. I thought about making a fitn



Interesting Curiosity...

Where did this oddity originate? Supposedly found partially buried. For more details.Might have a perfectly logical explanation...but then again...?



The Weekend Turned Bad!

Left last Friday for a convention down on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and got back today around noon. My wife told me that she couldn't get our dog Charlie to come out of his house and that he hadn't eaten his food from last night. Went out to check on him and saw almost immediately that he'd had some kind of seizure. Had to pull the back of his house loose to get him out. I hurried him to an animal emergency clinic but my worst fears were realized--he'd had a severe stroke or a similar massi



?where To Post This?

I couldn't decide where, if at all, this topic ought to go on the regular board so I'm putting it here.Also can't determine if this is a bad joke or a serious claim...anyway:Jim Morrison -- Though supposedly long dead, Jim Morrison, singer and driving force behind The Doors, was discovered living on a ranch in the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1998.UPDATE ON JUNE 8, 2005-- The COAST TO COAST AM web site has a new posting with a link to a morphing pic of the young Morrison to the supposedly



Best Tv Show Episode I've Seen All Year

Watched a rerun of an epidode of NCIS tonight that I missed earlier in its first run. Has to be the best episode of that series since its debut and the best dramatic series episode I've seen all year.It had to do with a old Marine who received a Medal of Honor for his efforts in the battle for Iwo Jima in WWII. He turned himself in to NCIS for committing murder during the battle. Everyone in this show, regular cast and guests, especially Charles Durning, who played the old Marine, outdid ever



A Headline You Don't See Everyday...

I've heard of guys and gals that had physical attributes that were said to "stop traffic" but I never heard of something closing down a whole interstate highway...Florida Interstate Closed Over 'Penis'Suspicious package was fake foot-long plastic penis If it was a foot long and not attached to a body, I hope it was fake!!!



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