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Infiniti........and Beyond!

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"Our new Yellow House." *** Move, new people, etc

Well, after a lot of struggle, and some finagling, we are now about to start the moving process to the house I have placed a few pictures here of, and that we've talked about remodeling. They dragged this out as long as they could, and almost screwed us out of this place as well. Terry had some trouble with his heart back in September, and has been on temp. disability. They tried to use that as a way of denying us the loan. Our real estate agent pulled some strings, and since the seller is despe

Raven Wolf

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Remodeling idea brainstorm!

My friend Chris has been encouraging me that I can change the look and feel of this house completely so that I don't feel "unwelcome" any longer. (btw, we've made an offer, & the seller has sent in their counter-offer, but I don't know what it is, yet) As Chris pointed out, this place was decorated by someone obsessed with the hunting theme, and very little sense about colors and patterns. From the drab green on the walls, complete with deer wallpaper border, to the stone fireplace

Raven Wolf

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Additions to the family...

When we had signed the contract for the house we were supposed to get, I went out on a limb & bought 3 Pygmy goats, asking that they be held at the farm where I got them until we'd moved in and put in a pasture. It's long been a dream of mine (along with many more) to have a small 'farm', of slightly a slightly eccentric nature. Pygmy and Nigerian dwarf goats, Peacocks, herbs and a fruit orchard. So....when the house purchase fell through, I ended up with 3 goats living here in the tiny dog

Raven Wolf

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Possible new (yellow) house?

It's been a full month since the shit hit the fan, so to speak, & we were cheated out of the house we'd worked so hard for... It's been difficult to look at anything else, without judging it by the standards of what we loved and lost. But, I now present this possibility to the members here. I've been having a VERY hard time making myself like this place, because it's nothing like the other house, and is no where near the area I wanted to live in. Still, it's in pretty good shape, h

Raven Wolf

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The End....

Just a short update. Tomorrow I'll respond privately to the sweet people who sent me PMs of support today.... We've been cheated out of the house. To make a long, ugly story short.... I've had a bad feeling about this from the beginning. Not the house... The situation. After delay after delay.... the latest delay was because, as we just found out, we'd chosen (without knowing it) a govt loan, because we'd opted for "no money down", though we could have done the down payment. No one to

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Latest updates

It's been a while since I've posted an update. This is partially due to the stress and anger this situation has caused. The closing date for our house has been put off FOUR times, all due to things not in our control. Our part in this is squared away, but there have been clerical errors, people not getting inspections done at the proper times, etc. Then, Friday the 18th, a bomb was dropped. Suddenly, an inspector said he did not like the way the foundation was done on the house (it was

Raven Wolf

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Redecorating ideas?

As I can't seem to get the gallory to let me upload pictures anymore.... (they're probably too big, but I don't have the software, nor the know-how, the reduce them), I'm linking these images from my photobucket. The house we're buying is in really great condition, except for the kitchen. I've managed to scavenge some appliances (a fridge, a stove/oven, & a dishwasher), but it needs some serious painting & redecorating. The bathroom is ok....but it'll be my next redecorating project

Raven Wolf

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Our new yellow house?

As some of you know, we've been looking for a better place to live for a long time. First, we just wanted out because this place makes Buckstort look like a 5 star resort! But, after months of not really finding anything to rent (very little to choose from) and then getting screwed out of the one place we really LIKED, we happened upon this real estate agent....who's been a real blessing. She actually showed us that it WAS possible for us to own a home! And, then took us looking..... On the

Raven Wolf

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Pick a topic, any topic.....

A few strange events in the last week have me wanting to take advantage of creative opportunities, and grow more in whatever abilities it is that I have.........even if I don't even know they are there yet. This blog is one such gift/tool that I feel isn't being used to its highest potential. (neither is the rest of me) I've wandered for so long in my life..... always hoping for some divine inspiration to show me the way. This may be in relationships, in careers, or even just what to mak

Raven Wolf

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Goodbye "Moya" (name of my Infiniti)

"Dashboard" by MODEST MOUSE Well, it would've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio. Oh, it should've been, could've been worse than you would ever know. Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I'd like to go. Oh, it could've been, should've been worse than you would ever know. Well, the windshield was broken but I love the fresh air you know. (The dashboard melted but we still have the rad

Raven Wolf

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Damned if I do & damned if I don't....

Warning---foul language. I'm sorry for the bitchiness, & declare that TIWWA holds no responsibility for the pissed-off tone to this entry. This is personal bull-shit, and has nothing to do with any members here. My life is f**ked up. That's the long & the short of it. Damned if I do, & damned if I don't. You'd think I'd learn...but nooooo.... I just got out of therapy for the day, & after recounting the latest way that my mother ruined a perfectly good day, draggin

Raven Wolf

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Creative projects....Brainstorming....

Idea #1 A Millenniumistic Infiniti commercial. I have the ideas, but not the computer experience or programs to do it. Use several different artistic images of Infinitis....blend in quotes from Millennium, or Millenniumistic sounding ones....add some interesting, gothic mood music, and end it with the Ouroboros rotating, then fuzz/blending into the Infiniti symbol. Idea #2 "The Road Not Traveled", a new, fan-made movie, inspired by Millennium...focusing on Landon (from Room with No View) an

Raven Wolf

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The Last of the Great Romantics

That is the working title for this "inspired by real life" story, & is subject to change. Recent events have filled me with a renewed sense of awe & closure, & has inspired me to finally write the story of Nicholas Fitton. This amazing individual is the stuff legends are made of, and someone needs to know the truth. A very brief summery of our lives, and what this story (to someday be a movie) is about. Nicholas & I met early in 1988. He was dating my best friend's old

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Dylan does the "Roosters Speach"

<object width="528" height="400"><param name="movie" value="http://www.dylanmessaging.com/mediaplayer/assets/flash/message-embedded.swf"></param><param name="bgcolor" value="#AD1A22"></param><param name="flashvars" value="messageID=MVVY-G7PZ-KSHQ-UKZ1-V894&embedID=5863&autoPlayMessage=true"></param><embed src="http://www.dylanmessaging.com/assets/flash/message-embedded.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="528" height="400" bgcolor=

Raven Wolf

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Notes for a video project

I had thought of making something like this before, just for the fun of it, but after watching a small commercial about "Mind Movies" and the power of intention, where the host was trying to sell a package for almost 30 bucks to walk you through doing what I'd already thought of doing.....just for fun....a long time ago, I've decided to go through with my plan. This was actually going to be my entry into the 10-13 Idol contest I've started. I have posted that one little quick video I made wi

Raven Wolf

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Muses in the middle of the night....

Tonight, I just watched several 3rd season Millennium episodes, including The Innocents and Seven & One. I feel like there's something inside me, ready to burst.... Or just that it's been in me so long it's outgrown its environment. I don't know if there's really something to all of this, or if it's all in my head. Either way, it's slowly eating away at me. I don't know what led to it, but Mom and I started talking about Laury's death this past week. She pointed out the fact tha

Raven Wolf

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Life Makeover

It is time for a makeover. My hair, my clothes, my body, my LIFE. Something in me died a few years ago, and I have to get it back, or else life is not worth living anymore. I've been told I'm in a prolonged state of shock.... Most likely brought on by #1 Wendell, and his absue from 1996 to 1998. #2 Laury's death in 2000. #3 My own car wreck, in 1992. and #4 A lifetime in a toxic environment, where I had to 'grow up' far faster than I should have. I don't think just ONE of these things got me to

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