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Dvds For Sale

Heads up to LJ users (and viewers of my TIWWA blog) in the USA on my flist. I give 24 hours or so before I post it to the Home Theater Forum's Software For Sale Forum. First go begins here.For $8 each:BoogeymanDarkness (Unrated Version)The Village (widescreen)Hellraiser: DeaderDead BirdsHouse of Flying DaggersFinding NeverlandElektraFor $10:Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (two discs- 13 episodes)For $25:Roswell Season 2Shipping is $4 for the first two DVDs. $5 for 3 or more DVDs and Box S



Around And About

Even though Montana needs the rain, I wish it wouldn't rain and the sun would pop out for the next couple of days. I have my computer sorted out. Giot rid of that pesky Aurora malware annd back in business. So far, so good.



This Week So Far...

New reviews are up at ENTERLINE MEDIA. I'm waiting for the new FOX series, THE INSIDE, to air tonight. I did come up with an interesting idea for s sci-fi story/script today.I do hate digging trenchs to make water flow to elsewhere. It poured hard yesterday and Monday morning. The yard was flooded in places and still is. I'lll be glad to be back in Columbia Falls tomorrow.



Hanging In

I have a computer to wipe clean and rebuild soon after it got infected by some malware known as Aurora. Microsoft's Anti-Spyware (Beta version) has barely been keeping it in check. Many other computer users have been having problems with Aurora. It is a very new form of malware/spyware that tries to change your Internet Explorer settings. Nasty thing. iT even replicates if you don't get every single trace of it.I'm not at home. I'm using a different computer to write a new review for my s



I Wonder If This Week Will Turn To Crap

It just makes me wonder since certain things are in the wind. I just wish I could do something more about it. I don't wnat to go into it since I'm already disgusted by it.



I Loved This Last Week.

Home alone. no one to bug me. Do what I want. Stay up as long as I want. have the TV on at the volume I want at any given time with no one asking me to turn it down. I have the house to myself until sometime on Tuesday. Gotta love it.



New Reviews And The Sith

STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH review-http://enterline2.tripod.com/revengeofthesith.htmlDVD Reviews-WHITE NOISE-http://enterline2.tripod.com/whitenoise.htmlBLADE: TRINITY-http://enterline2.tripod.com/bladetrinity.htmlBack next week with DVD Reviews of the train wreck known as BOOGEYMAN and a wonderful film known as THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU.



Batman Begins

I saw the 10 minute preview for BATMAN BEGINS last night after the Smallville season finale. I was blown away. if it lives up to the hype, it will make the Tim Burton directed BATMAN films look like mindless fluff. Is it June 15th yet?I'm five hours from watching REVENGE OF THE SITH.



New Dvd Reviews

DARKNESS (Unrated Version):http://enterline2.tripod.com/darkness.htmlMAN ON FIRE Collector's Edition:http://enterline2.tripod.com/manonfire.htmlYou can find more DVD Reviews at the ENTERLINE Media web site.By the way, I liked tonight's episode of HOUSE. I saw HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY for the second time and bought my advance ticket for the 4 pm Thursday matinee of REVENGE OF THE SITH.



Not Much For Birthday Cards

I just haven't sent a brithday card to anyone in years. It just is that I'm not really close to anyone. Also I'm not good at getting birthday presents. just a flaw. It is my Dad's birthday today. He turned 58. I do wish I could have gotten him something for his birthday, but I didn't have a good clue. His new wife mentioned if I got him a birthday card and she rattled off at me when I said I didn't. I haven't gotten him a card in years. I was thinking more of what I could get him and



Oliver Stone's Alexander

I haven't seen Alexander, but I have to comment on the upcoming DVD Release. In the USA, it will be released in Theatrical Cut and Director's Cut versions. This all stems from Greeks and gay people who complained about Mr. Stone making Alexander bisexual. So he did a shorter Director's Cut (referred to on the cover art as a faster paced version). Shouldn't they refer to the different DVD versions as gay version and less gay version? Or maybe they should call it Sucky version and hopef



I'm Disappointed

I have been working on a pitch for an article and did the research. Wrote the piece and told it was going to be bought. I did the revisions and shot the photos only to be told at the last minute (upon review) that they couldn't use teh piece at this time. It is like being told by the Prom Queen you're going to get lucky tonight only for her to change her mind at the last moment or be in a race only to lose at the last moment. Sigh. Back to work.



Nothing To Rant About Much.

This week might be a little craptastic. I just don't get how people like to blow up and throw tantrums. And I'm talking about one family member who is near 60. I don't apologize for his behavior. I have learned that anger isn't the right thing to do. One has to take a stand sometimes and always be the better person. He needs to take his anger and hand the suituations better instead of blowing up and thinking some fo the things I do are stupid (when I know I have my very good reasons for



The Grudge Is Creepier

I watched the Unrated Extended Director's Cut this morning. The movie is creepy, but now it is even more creepier. The alternate ending (one of the deleted scenes) is very creepy. The climax has tons of stuff not in the US theatrical version. I watched the movie with the subtitles from the commentary track (while having the movie's audio on as I didn't think I had time to watch the movie while listening to the Japanese that was translated into English subtitles for the commentary track).



New Tv On This Week.

Tonight:New LOSTNew ALIASTomorrow:New CSIFriday:New ANDROMEDANew ENTERPRISEThe Final THIRD WATCH (how I will miss that show)With the three shows I watch on Friday coming to an end, I wonder if anything good will be on other than when new episodes air on Sci-Fi Channel's SCI-FI Friday line-up. I'm depresssed now like Marvin the robot from HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY (which reminds me that I have a review to write about that movie tonight).



I Bought The New Nine Inch Nails

The new NINE INCH NAILS album, WITH TEETH, came out today in the USA. I bought the DualDisc version for $11.99. I'm listening to it right now and I can hear some obivious musical hooks from previous albums mixed in with the new songs. I have to give it a spin a few times to give my analysis of it, but the DVD side is cool. The discography has music and video clips. Also the music video for THE HAND THAT FEEDS is included. Then I forgot to mention the DVD side has the whole album mixed



It's Going To Be A Murky Day

A grey opuke has descended and covered the sky. I hope it doesn't rain until evening. It's never easy. Things to do and I don't want to be caught in the rain. Don't want it to feel like old times where I have had my fair share of riding through rain and snow. I even got extremely soaked a few times. Rode through fog on my bicycle. Well, it is kinda cool riding through during the daylight.



Now For Something Completely Different...

Maybe I should have a multiple choice journal entry (hey, I have to find some way to get my 4.3 of 5 rating to equal the 4.7 of 5 rating over at Blondton13's house of insanity0. What could I do for a multiple choice journal entry? I have to think about it.



Maybe This Will Be A Worthwhile Week.

Besides finding out a power bump caused the VCR not to record Friday's episode of STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE (and not winning the lottery again), it looks like this week might be fun. I had a nice short chat with the video store girl at Super One.I will probably see two movies at the theaters this week (I really want to see HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY and I have a free ticket for some turkey by the name of XXX: STATE OF THE UNION). I have some photos to take for an article I will finish this



Chaos, Chaos, Etc.

I will be glad when it's Monday and I have a full week again. Photos to take. Two movies to see. 4-5 DVDs to watch. A couple of new DVD Reviews are up at the web site: http://enterline2.tripod.comYou can scroll down to the bottom of the first page to see what DVD Reviews are coming soon. Also two movie reviews will be coming next week. Have a good week, everyone. Spread the word about my web site if you think of any way to do it.



I'm Back!

I'm happy to be back. I have some work to do tonight. I will probably be dog tired tomorrow, but I have a feeling I will be up for at least another ninety minutes. I'm currently working on a new DVD Review while I just started watching another DVD (I'm almost done with disc one and will skin through disc two on Thursday). I hope to write more of the novel tonight. Talk to everyone later. Field any questions you have.



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