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24- "11:00 Pm To 12:00 Am"

I think the writers of 24 did a funny again because I thought I heard Jack Bauer give out a real cell phone number (they did it a few months ago in an early episode of this season) in tonight's episode: 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM.24 is riveting as ever. Now I'm tempted to call Jack Bauer as "Prancing Jack" by the way he pranced into CTU early in this episode. Wow, it must be nice to have CTU be so near and Jack must prance right in to make it into the scene.



This Is My 50th Post

I was listening to the latest Peter Murphy CD (Unshattered) last night and it has to be the best PM album since Cascade. Back later for more ranting and whatever.



Too Slow Today...

It is just one of those days when I hear a friend's problems with her stepson (his mom who sees him every weekend or two is the problem). I'm not going to get into it, but I feel like I need my brain scrubbed after hearing about this kid's problems. Ugh.I haven't been posting anything meaningful lately, buT I'll try to post something interestuing next week. just go check my LiveJournal if you want to read more about this week. I'm just a little tired. I stayed uup too late and got up five



Laying The Groundwork

If you wnat to see something I'm working ideas on before I do something with em, go here:http://www.deadjournal.com/users/ultravioletrant/Read the comments sections because part of the story is included in there too.



The Start Of Another Week.

So far, I have started on the DVD Review of SUSPECT ZERO (hopefully up and finished in 12 hours from now) and wrote another 100 words of the sci-fi novel (bringing it to 19,500 words almost)I have to revise a couple of pages ona couple of different short stories before i submit them, finally go back and beef up a couple of short stories before I submit them, tackle a couple of short stories I want to finish, and get the supernatural noir novel started beyond my ground work over in my Dead Jour



Just Another Weekend

April has started and I'll be glad when the week is over after teh chaos that happened earlier in thw week.April's Fools pranks and jokes are probably rampant. So I'll refrain from any of those. I have past the 19,000 word point on a sci-fi novel (so about 100 pages). I'll have to pick up the pace next week. Many things to be done and more time to manage more wisely.



Missed Tonight's Lost

Damn! Damn! Damn! Didn't realize a new episode was on.So PM or email me if you can get a copy of the episode to me ASAP by VHS or DVD-R (and not DVD+R).



This Week Is Choas Part 2

OK. I have been waiting on word that an article that a magazine is interested will buy it (the previous editor was bvery interested and then the editorial staff changed).I have also been scanning some printed pages from my Brother Word Processor into the computer via a program called Readiris. I have finally been able to figure how to use it the best, but it's not a perfect program for scanning printed pages.So I have one short story scanned. I just have to scan the other one (which is twice



This Morning...

I watched last night's episode of 24 which I taped last night. The Jack Bauer Power hour always thrills and excites. I spotted James Morrison as a guest star in this episode. I also noticed teh director of the episode was Bryan Spicer, director of several episodes of THE LONE GUNMEN. Oddly enough, I gravitated to an episode of E! True Hollywoood Story on Justine Bateman before I went off to start my day.E! is definitely an addictive time waster at times. I'm glad I have ignored it at times



Just A Little Tired

Have to go to bed soon to get some sleep. First, I must write for a half hour to prove I'm not slacking. Then it is time to get ready for bed. Night.



This Week Might Be Chaos

I hate short weeks. Always too much to do on those weeks. DVDs coming in to review, things to write, and stuff to revise. Calls to make. I just have to worry less about stress. Argh. Then the weather is supposed to be nasty. Grrr.



A Movie For Millennium Fans

CRIMSON RIVERS: ANGELS OF THE APOCALYPSE (out on DVD in the USA on March 29):http://enterline2.tripod.com/crimsonrivers2.html



I Will Be Busy Soon

I watched some Western called LUST FOR GOLD tonight (more on ti when I write the review next week). I have two DVDs on the wya soon. Another one is hopefully on the way too. Then I have three DVDs screaming for my attention which I have bought used (actually I trade 4 DVDs for two of them and bought the third one). I watched TAKING LIVES son Suunday. it starred the always fascinating Angelina Jolie. She might be neat to have as a friend, but I would never want to fall in love with her a




I know what thing I hate is when someone says they will get something for you and then they decide to turn around and say they can't do it. How in the name of Lucy Butler did the person think I'm a bloody security risk?! what paranoid universe is this person living in anyway?! I was just trying to get a hold of an episode of a TV show (which will air soon and I wanted to review). I think I will have to PM the fool again and give him/her a piece of mind gently.



Anyone, Have Any Questions?

I'm just bored and need someone to ask me questions about movies, DVDs, or TV? Bring it on. Now I must go write a couple of reviews today.



So Far....

...at least one or two people have found the hidden pages.Now I wait to see if anyone else can find the pages and answer the bonus questions before March 27th.



It Is Easy...

..and yet I haven't seen anyone take a few minutes to try and answer the contest (I have left more hints and clues at http://www.livejournal.com/users/enterlinemedia)Why ddi I do the contest this way? Because I got fed up with contests where you sned in your name, email, and address. I just don't have the time to do a contest like that and I rather see people do a little legwork to win the prize. I just received the VHS screener for the pilot to the new KOJAK series starring Ving Rhames an



Dvd Reviews

ALFIE: http://enterline2.tripod.com/alfie2004.htmlCUBE ZERO: http://enterline2.tripod.com/cubezero.htmlDEAD BIRDS: http://enterline2.tripod.com/deadbirds.htmlTHE I INSIDE: http://enterline2.tripod.com/theiinside.htmlLADDER 49: http://enterline2.tripod.com/ladder49.htmlNIRVANA: http://enterline2.tripod.com/nirvana.htmlSTAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT Special edition:http://enterline2.tripod.com/firstcontact.html



I'm Just Waiting....

..to take me up on the DVD contest. I'll drop some bread crumbs.1. Start out at this page:http://enterline2.tripod.com/enterline/id84.htmlIngnore any link that has a number on it with no title after it or 2002 in the title. The main question can be hunted from the archive menu and the hidden pages can be accessed from one of those linked pages. Bonus Question number 5 can be answered by reading the right article/review. 2. Bonus Question One and Six can be answered by researching http://



Dvd Contest Time

Ok, this is for citizens in the USA. I have an extra copy of FOREVER KNIGHT TRILOGY PART ONE (which I have had for over a year). A couple of the trays are cracked, but I want to give this extra copy away.What you have to do besides submitting your name, address, and email addy to the email (listed at the end of most reviews) at the ENTERLINE MEDIA site is to include answers to the following:Find the two hidden pages not linked in the 2002 Archive Menu at the ENTERLINE MEDIA Archive site: http:



Yep, My Computer Is Insane Tonight

It went funky weird and wouldn't work for me that well for over half an hour after shutting it down and turning it on. Then it decides to work again. Sigh, I need a new computer. However, I hope this thing works for a little while longer. I guess I just have to do that quick restore on the system again and build the hard drive prograamming from scratch soon. Hope I can finish thre or four outgoing projects before I do this (easier to do when it comes to time).



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