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Tiwwa Withdrawl.

Raven Wolf


OMG! I'm so freaking addicted to this site it's scary! I hardly knew what to do yesterday when the site was down. :down: I guess this shows that I'm truly addicted. Not just to the show, but to this community."Feels like home."I'm realy excited about the new boards that Graham let me put up here. I hope they do well. It's kinda like baring my soul to everyone here. Showing what it is that realy draws me in about this show. I've felt a bit embarrased about this for a while, and so deciding to broadcast it all through message boards was, I admit, a little daring, since I'm risking the ridicule of a lot of people who's openions I respect.Here's hoping I don't scare people or make an ass outta myself! :praying::w_Praying_closed_eyes:


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I can see your entries. Congrats on publising in your brand new blog.

I just can't say I'm addicted to TIWWA. I am addicted to Livejournal.com sometimes (where I have another blog at).

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I'm starting to grasp the 'meaning' of addiction in this context ... time spend at Tiwwa seems diverging at an ever faster rate .... which in a sense is really good.

And don't think you can really go wrong with the new boards or anything, if someone sees you deviating from the masses it's one of the best compliments I can think of. Plus, if people are willing to throw themselves out there the boards will do very well in the long run, and it always takes that first wacko to get others diving off a cliff :bigsmile: .

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  • Elders (Admins)

Good to see you figured it out! It's a big shame the Blog doesn't come with proper usage instructions but I'll try and come up with a guide. I have mentioned this to Invision's Feedback so you never know. I was a bit concerned about being swamped with support questions about the Blog feature but other board owners seemed to think most of their Members had figured it out without major problems. Don't forget you can always use the different Categories option to use your Blog for different things, not just one.

Good luck with your Blog!

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:thanx: Graham.

I've been pretty psyched that so many members here seem interested in doing this book thing with me! Thanks, guys and gals!

I've always felt pretty useless and without purpose...and as many can tell you, have been unable to answer the dreaded question "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" for ALL of my life! But, slowly, I'm starting to feel a tiny bit more confident in my abilities as a writer, and have gotton a bit of an interest in writing screenplays, since working on the MA1 progect. So, a part of me wants to think I should focus on THAT, while another part says..."Not so fast! What about the 2 dozen OTHER *great ideas* that you had that died a terrible death within a month?"

Unfocused? Maybe :eyes:

Uncertain? DEFINATLY! :wacko:

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Her we go as Erin posts more and more. I was having fun over at LiveJournal.com because it was live Journal Rabbit Hole Day on Jan 27 in honor of the birthday of the guy who wrote Alice in wonderland.

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Enjoy reading your blog, Erin. Your thoughts and feelings often parallel mine, so you are not alone. Keep on writing, and don't let that ADD make you too disorganized!! :tongue::wtf:

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ADD? I never thought of myself as ADD. Just someone with very little self-esteem, and a terrible people-pleaser.... So when someone doesn't support me, and heaven forbid....TELL me "You should" or "You shouldn't" do whatever it is.... I just cave. :mabiuswoz'ere:

Thanks for being supportive. I'm going to start another thread on this subject, and maybe a bunch of us can start supporting each other. :praying:

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