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Order of Dragons Fly

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Do You Feel Good By Doing?



today is the 2nd yr aniversary of my dads death and I spent it with my mum. I went out and cut roses from the garden and put them in water and then went to mums and picked her up and took her to church, and while they are giving the list of intentions, the mass for my father, the window next to where we were sitting slowly opened itself and a cool brease brushed past us.

We went down to the cemetary, and we cleaned the headstone and put flowers on his grave. I have already made arrangements to be buried next to my dad- and there is a free plot for my brothers next to us if they want.

Mum said how, unfair it was that we would visit him, and then he would have to stay there- and I was like, but he is with us..

We went to the mall later, she had a series of errands to do, and I dropped her off at the door and swung around and there was a spot where there hadn't been one before, and I found a quarter on the ground behind my car, and I spent the day with my mum pushing her wheel chair around so she could see things, and get access to the mall when she wouldn't have been able to. I brought her home, made dinner and then we watched tv. and it was like any other day except, we missed my dad even more.

things, have happened since his death, and I can't explain them except that he is still looking out after everyone as he always did.

and will forever



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