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Seventh Dimension

My sincere apologies for a lack of entries this week. I had to be strict with myself in order to finish a segment of my PhD but I have more time on my hands now and will update furiously until the next segment needs doing.

As I have mentioned before, despite the lack of good genre shows on the Beeb there are some interesting things to be found on BBC Radio. BBC7 regularly airs genre plays and audio books and whilst it may not be everyone's cup of tea may I urge you to give them a try. Here are a few of the more intriguing plays due to air next week.

7th Dimension

David Calder stars in Alpha Omega

This is the follow-up play to Mike Walker's award-winning 'Alpha', broadcast last week. Strange things start happening to a man called John Stone when he starts building a tower for the sinister, powerful architect Brandt. Starring David Calder (pictured), Penelope Wilton, Sarah Jane Holm, Helen Longworth and Philip Voss, the director is Gordon House. The play was first broadcast on the World Service in 2002.

Sunday at 6pm

The Laxian Key

There's another chance to hear this 4 part sci-fi suspense thriller, written by Chris Larner and David Gilbert.

Set in the future, mankind is now colonising Mars, but continues with destructive behaviour. The fate of the species lies in the hands of two bungling interplanetary decontaminationists. The Laxian Key was produced as a commission for BBC7 and the director is Peter Kavanagh .

Monday to Thursday at 6pm and Midnight

The Mortal Immortal

A fantastical tale by Frankenstein author Mary Shelley which explores humankind's never ending fascination with eternal life. A young man working for an alchemist secretly drinks one of his Master's potions and discovers that he has accidentally sampled the elixir of life. Produced for BBC7 by Gemma Jenkins, the reader is Shaun Dooley.

Friday at 6pm and Midnight

Slaughterhouse 5

Robert Jezek reads Kurt Vonnegut's psychedelic, darkly humorous anti-war novel, first published in 1969.

Billy Pilgrim witnesses the complete destruction of Dresden and adjusts to his fate as a Prisoner of War. The producer is Mark Smalley.

Tuesday - Friday at 6.30pm and 12.30am


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