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I Want To Belive


With my movie ticket burning in my hand all day, i finally was able to redem it to quench my thirst for the X-Files i have yearned for in over six years. I really liked the movie and enjoyed the storyline. The movie does consentrate on Mulder and Scully's relationship and its problems. The relationship between them is very real and somewhat heart-breaking. You can feel Scully's heartbreak regarding the absence of her son William. Mulder still has his ghosts from the past regarding his sister Samantha that he still can't get over. This story feeds you bit by bit of a thriller-mystery that leads up to a logical ending. I had a hard time through out the movie not feeling the magic this series once had. To me it seems like it was missing something and i can't put my finger on it. The movie to me seem like a tribute of sorts when they used references from the series. Luther Lee Boggs and Clyde Bruckman where referenced in the movie. The supporting cast did well. Amanda Peet did a great job with her role as the new "Fox Mulder"? but Xzibit's acting was horrible. He tried to play the tough guy FBI agent but it was just alot of over-acting on his part. I love seeing Skinner again, but his role was small but rather fatherly towards Mulder. If you are a big X-Files fan like me.....this is a must see. I give this movie 4 1/2 broken thumbs out of 5. I love going down X-File memory lane but the lane had some potholes. Be sure to watch after the credits you will see Mulder & Scully on vacation. On a side note i sat with 50 other people, good crowd ata 10pm showing.

Other Thoughts & MillenniuM

I forgot to write about how much i like the atmosphere of the movie. Its very dark and it gives you a very creepy feeling. There are scenes that actually reminds me of MillenniuM. I will actually go out on a limb and tell you if they took out Mulder & Scully out of the story and added Frank Black in stead, it would of been even better. Mulder at times seem stymied and held back. It was'nt till at the end I witness the ole' Mulder hunch once again. Thats what I like about Mulder.

The movie also gives Gaunt-Man alot of time on screen. This character is better known as Dr. Ephraim Fabrcant in the MillenniuM world and Stephen E Miller better known as Andy McClaren in MillenniuM. So when you go and see this movie try to picture Frank Black in this movie.



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