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Best Place to Start...

Best place to start, everyone tells us growing up (especially when we're in trouble), is to start at the beginning. And no, the beginning isn't going to be Genesis (though that would help a bit), nor is it going to be the ever aggravating Prologue to the Gospel of John (In the beginning was the Word...). Actually, I'm not gonna go that far back. Let's go back, back, waaaaaaaaaay back.....

To June 6, 1950, at 6 am (Yep, for some of us, that is way back :rofl: ), where some dude (right now I'm using the original movie version. Just wait til I do the scripts after the movies...) is driving like a madman through the streets of Rome. Nice car, wish I had one like that with special plates. Still trying to figure out if they drive the right way or not.

So the guy- turns out he's Robert Thorn (later we find out he's a rich kid who has connections up the wazoo!)- pulls up to a hospital and runs in like a chicken with his head cut off. Turns out the wife really, really wanted a kid (Guess she wanted to prove herself to her man that she was worth keeping), and was currently in labor in said hospital. So the Brother (from another Mother) tells Pappa Thorn that the baby died right after being born. So, rather being a man and telling his wife that the baby died, Thorn unofficially adopts a baby boy with a load of black hair. But... I had a lot of hair when I was a baby... Maybe... Eh, I'll save that for another day. And just like that, little Damien Thorn enters the world.

I'm going to stop here, can't just give my movie commentary so quickly. And besides, I need to figure out how I'm going to shred apart the movie script I have of it... Ooh, this will be fun.


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Hi guys,

If any British readers of this superb Blog have been inspired by it to seek the Omen films for a repeat viewing I come with news of a treat. Yup the Omen Trilogy is about to be shown during October on British Telly so now's the perfect time to remind yourselves of quite why Kara loves it so much :)


Who Am I?


Wow Mark, never thought I'd be getting such high praise from you. I don't know if I should be blushing or not...



Don't Blush you've earned it!

All members of the Elder Team will support, encourage and assist members who enrich this little community and contribute to the many diverse ways it can be enjoyed. If we don't Graham has this big stick....oops I think that's classified actually :)


Who Am I?


Well, if Graham also speaks softly, we can call him the Teddy Roosevelt of MillenniuM... Just a thought.

But I think my obsession with the one known as Daniel Neff might require the Elder Team to give me some serious counseling. If you don't believe me, just wait til I get to Omen II. :smokin:

  • Elders (Admins)
The Old Man


LOL! I'm gonna watch these again, if it kills me. Which they probably will.

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