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Guest se7en

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.....i've been giving this some thought regards a MM-episode/guide book.   in addition to journalistic reviews,and my own,i think it would lend to the book greatly if the fan's voices were heard.    


       ...i would love to include fan/member reviews of the eps to try and cover all variety of views and opinion from fans around the globe.  ideally,and depending on the ep in question,i would like to have at least 1-fan/member review per episode,perhaps more if it is called for;if it's a paticularly controversial episode for instance.  

   ...as of now i see it going like this: journalistic reviews-(as many as i can get),author's review,and then the fan's review.-(and,no i won't pick the reviewer who most agrees with me :angryred: ,in fact the opposite might be more appropriate.)


     ...so would the fans like thier voices/opinions heard in a so-called underground,privately printed/published MM-guide? i'll just say,before anyone responds,that the reviews i pick will not be known until publication,though i will privately contact the reviewer to let them know if that is wanted. also every review submitted would HAVE to include consent to use,and if need be edit,said review as the author sees fit.  


      ...i now realize,though i am waiting for more input on the poll-(and yes,Gra,i'm gonna ask if you could publicize the poll on MDUK!)-that an exhaustively thorough FAN'S-MM-GUIDE can easily accomodate COMPLETE episode credits-(every single person who worked on the show)-any interviews/trivia that we have,and can be had,for a section for each of the 67-episodes. my upcomming interviews,though now on hold due to her work,with  S.J.-REDMOND,and hopefully Alex Daikun,whom Ms. Redmond told me he was very receptive to the book-(he played Dr. Ephraim Fabricant)-have made me realize that a MM-GUIDE book need not be one dimensional in it's execution. ....And even though i'm still terrificaly intimidated by the prospect of all this i'm of the mind of truly wanting to try and create something special for the MM-fans. and aslo that i want the MM-fans to be a part of it if they so choose.  ...these are just some rambling thoughts about where i'm at right now in trying to slowly but surely plan this thing out as best as i possibly can.

       ...SO,HOW BOUT IT,WOULD THE FANS LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE THIER VOICE(S) TO THIS-(GULP)-PROJECT?-(and yes,"spell-check" and "Capital letters" will be employed extensively through the process!  :wink_big:  :jumping:


                                  se7en :ouro:

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Dave... (Se7en)  I would be honered if I could participate in such a progect! :yes_big:  :thumbsup_big:   I would just ask that you guide me along a little in what you're looking for, since, as you know, I'm very insecure about not saying or doing the right thing.  But, I truly hope that I can participate in this wonderful sounding project! :praying_big:  

:Ouro_Large:  :Ouro_Large:  :Ouro_Large:

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Guest Wellington


So do I... I would be interested in participating to something like that. Maybe some analyse or compilation about some aspects of the myth, however time is the key for such a project...


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So do I... I would be interested in participating to something like that. Maybe some analyse or compilation about some aspects of the myth, however time is the key for such a project...


.......indeed it is,wellington,time is key,however at this stage i'm still trying to determine what is,and is not,do-able,and exactly what facets can work.  


   ...i read your response to my poll with interest,but i can honestly tell you that what you seek in a dream MM-book is beyond my means/talent and abilities. when i'm the right groove i can wax poetic pretty damn good but that ability in me is fleeting at best. i've always been more proficient in the journalistic style of writing.-(or so i've been told! :eyes: )-and enjoy writing in that style from waaaaay back in my high school days of the mid/late-80's.


      .....however,i definately think that various "season/mytharch-overviews" and "essays" very well "could" fit in nicely. I'm also contemplating a "mytharch-timeline". i'm craving more member input while at the same time realizing that there is only so much,or so many,aspects that i can cover and still have the soft-back book be affordable to print!-(and aslo complete it before the next MM-occurs! :~)  


     ...i was hoping you,as well as Erin, would have interest in this wellington as i very much enjoy reading your various posts and thoughts,as does my wife,denise,whom you have chatted with various times in the chatroom.    

                    ...the process continues.........


                                               ~se7en :ouro:

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Guest Wellington


All I could say is that a MM book is a must-have! The way I expressed my wishes about such a book is that, to me and probably to others as well, MM gave a tremendously deep feeling of real-life stories that I would see a collection of reviews, eps critics, and behind-the-scene stories more like a post-mortem effort than like an upkeep with the MM feeling. Only in order to keep some kind of a candle burning would I read it like a "historical" documentary, focused on the myth, on backgrounds, etc... No need for novelisation or creation... It would just be conveyed through the form. But this is only an aesthetic debate, taste is rather difficult to defend or argue  :wink_big:

I think there were some books about the X-Files that presented the show in that way: each episode was introduced by telling the real-life facts lying behind the scenario. I then felt that something far better could be achieved with MM, mingling real-life inspiration facts with the timeline of the show. But the more I think of it, the more it looks to me like it would be a totally different project.

That is why I am enthusiastic towards the idea of compiling fan's views for your very idea. Thread after thread, I see that we are bathed in strong individual understandings of MM and that this fact only deserved to be saved, printed and transmitted as completely as can be (as an heritage, if I dare to write so). We had the chance to watch MM in its context, in our society, with our own stress, questions, doubts etc... The following generations who will watch it may never get the chance to feel what MM meant from 1996 to 1999. I am a great fan of The Avengers and The Persuaders and I know that I lack the feeling it gave at the time of its first broadcasting. They both give me a mood that would have been totally different, had I been born then. That is also why it would be better done now than in 10 years from now.

MM is a great show, and that is no news for anyone here. It is ours, maybe our adventure. It is a print of how we were at the turning of the MillenniuM. This time was ours, and we had open eyes, heart and mind. That is precisely why I am supporting your project and willing to give a hand if you feel it will be helpful.


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Guest LauraKrycek
Depending on the time period you're looking for on this, I'd be happy to contribute something to this.  School starts for me in about 2 more days, so I won't really have time to even re-watch an episode, possibly until mid-December ::sob::  But if the deadline is going to be later, then I'd have a chance.
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..........okay,i see where you are coming from more clearly now. i,also,have no interest in producing a clinical,dry,"just-the-facts" or as you say, "post motrem" book about MM. My hope is that the final product will actually serve fans down the road as well as current fans. i "hope" it will be seen as a tribute as well as something that could be picked up by anyone interested,at any time now or in the future as a sort of companion to the show.

       ...i definately want to attempt to capture the spirit of the show;very few other topics fill me with as much unbridled passion as MM and i could not even guess as to how many pages,let alone words,that i have written about it both here,at MOV and in private. i simply LOVE to write and talk about it.


        ...as i said above in the first post,and in which you further elaborated on,MM can't help but mean different things to a wide variety of people AND cultures,as well as your good point of people viewing after the original airdates in that specific period of time. and it's for all those reasons that i think it would serve the book well to have it be,in the truest sense of the word as possible,A FAN'S BOOK. and i'm convinced that a unique and different way to attempt this is to invite and encourage fan/member contribution(s).


        ...obviously this book is not going to be published and distributed by,say,"VIKING" or "BANTAM"-(i wish!)-but i knew of one man,an old friend who i do not see anymore because of our move to the border-country of vermont,who has,as of 2001,written 14 books about every aspect of the making of "QUABBINN-RESERVOIR" and the 4-towns it destroyed to do it. all of his books sold very despite being region-specific and "niche/topic-specific". his first book,at age 19,in 1975,till his last one in 2001,were all of them printed by one of 3-regional printers in his county. having only been in vermont's beautifull north country for only 2-years i have,nevertheless,discovered 2-printing houses that will take the enitre text/materials-(such as photographs,etc)-help me arrange them as i want it and then print it. there is a minimum-(a number i don't know and FEAR to know!  :eyes: )-number of books i must have printed for the 1st run,and then after that i can basicly order copies of 30-50 at a time as needed.  but i "must" order that minimum number for a first run or they will not do it. and every printing house is different as to what that number is.    

         ...this is why,while also getting views/opnions from yourself and other fans and planning what the book will consist of EXACTLY is so important. that way i can go into these independent printers with as much info as possible. -(i'm also gonna try as hard as i possibly can to have 10-20 hard cover editions made up for those special people who participate the most,as well as an incentive to get as many pre-orders as i can by offering a few up,via a raffle of some kind,to people who have pre-ordered the soft back,or paper-back,if you will.  i have no idea if this is viable but from just the preliminary searching i have done i think it is certainly,at the least,a slight possibility. more time and info will tell,eh?


        ...as always wellington i thank you for your comments and input. and should you ever wish to offer further comments and input here on tiwwa or via P.M. or e-mail i'll always be glad to listen-(even of i don't agree or implement all your comments i'll "always" appreciate the support and the input. ALWAYS.)  i hope more fans/members will do so as well. the more fans who tell me what they would like to see the better,and faster,i'll be able shore exactly WHAT this book will be.


                                           se7en :ouro:

P.S. have you ever been to the northwestern Quebec town of Rouyn-Noranda? it's just south,in a sense,from James bay/Hudson bay. my friend and i did a road trip up there 2-weeks back and while we ran out of money-(due to those amazing CA gas prices,to reach our goal of James Bay it was,none the less,quite an experience to behold. we ended up on some wilderness roads that were just stunning in thier beauty,and thier SILENCE! :rofl: )-we figure next year,if we can,we stay an extra day,bring an extra $100-U.S. to exchange THEN we'll damn well make "James/Hudson-Bays in "EASTMAIN" and "RADISSON". I'M GOING TO BE E-MAILING THE DIGITAL PICS I TOOK TO GRA,VAL AND ERIN,IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THEM LET ME KNOW HERE OR BY "P.M."      ~take care

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Dave... (Se7en)  I would be honered if I could participate in such a progect! :yes_big:  :thumbsup_big:   I would just ask that you guide me along a little in what you're looking for, since, as you know, I'm very insecure about not saying or doing the right thing.  But, I truly hope that I can participate in this wonderful sounding project! :praying_big:  

:Ouro_Large:  :Ouro_Large:  :Ouro_Large:

....AHHH,from you Erin,i was thinking perhaps a review of "A Single Blade Of Grass" and any other eps that particularly touched you.-(i say "...blade of grass" as this is one i know is very special to you but not high in popularity in general,so to have an impassioned review from a fan would perhaps put this ep in a different light for some as well as further illustrate how different aspects of MM can touch others so deeply AND differently).                ...if you have any further ideas you can let me know anytime!      and..........THANKS!


                                             se7en :ouro:

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Depending on the time period you're looking for on this, I'd be happy to contribute something to this.  School starts for me in about 2 more days, so I won't really have time to even re-watch an episode, possibly until mid-December ::sob::  But if the deadline is going to be later, then I'd have a chance.

.......as of now there is no dealine date even set. so december,or after december,is just fine. i hope to start writting my own parts of the book-(openning/closing,etc.)-this fall but you'll still have plenty of time to contribiute if you wish. for myself,and because i know how i am,i am outting NO deadline for completion of this book;IT'LL BE DONE WHEN IT'S DONE! :plain_big:


                                              ~se7en :ouro:

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One of the favorite unauthorized guides I read on a show was THE BABYLON FILE by Andy Lane.    What I liked about it is that it pointed out the gofs, dialogue to rewind to, fast foward past, and so on.   Quite a funny read in places at how much fun the author pokes at Babylon 5 dialogue sometime while pointing out the great dialogue too.      I would be interested in contributing when time allows.    I have even thought in the past of how neat it would be to write a MIllennium episode guide.   I never did start, but I did write reviews of Andromeda episodes for my Andromeda site- THE ANDROMEDA COMMONWEALTH.

Have a better one.

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

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