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A sad end

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Guest celticman

Hey Everyone,

I am sure this topic has been discussed before, but being new and all I felt compelled to add my tuppence worth. I have to say I was disapointed in the conclusion to season three, the "Goodbye To All That"episode was not bad but they could have wrapped it up so much better with the X-Files episode. Why not eloborate more on the apparent death of Peter Watts, or the involvement of Emma Hollis in the Millenium group.

It seems to have been hastily put together, maybe they shouldnt have bothered with the X-files episode. I feel that they should just have ended with the last Millenium episode. Better Franks jeep driving off into the distance than the poor X-files showing.


Guest MillenniumIsBliss
Hey Everyone,

I am sure this topic has been discussed before, but being new and all I felt compelled to add my tuppence worth. I have to say I was disapointed in the conclusion to season three, the "Goodbye To All That"episode was not bad but they could have wrapped it up so much better with the X-Files episode. Why not eloborate more on the apparent death of Peter Watts, or the involvement of Emma Hollis in the Millenium group.

It seems to have been hastily put together, maybe they shouldnt have bothered with the X-files episode. I feel that they should just have ended with the last Millenium episode. Better Franks jeep driving off into the distance than the poor X-files showing.


Celticman, I agree with you 100%. I hadn't heard that much about this X-files episode, and going into it, I thought it might wrap up some loose ends with the Millennium series. I think the thing that threw many people off was interviews that I read, prior to the episode, that included the word "closure" regarding the Millennium series. I believe it was Lance himself who used that specific word. I'm not sure what he meant by that, but I can't see where the X-files episode would have provided any kind of closure for anyone. To me, it almost seemed like a gimmick using Frank in the episode, and with a few alterations, just about any character could have been written into the role that Lance played. If I remember correctly, the episode was not bad, but didn't really have anything at all to do with the Millennium series. There are those who say that the episode was not intended to wrap up the show, and this could very well be the case. However, there was a fair amount of build up to the episode, and it only seems natural that people would expect the group itself and possibly even some of the MM characters to be included in the story. Instead it seemed like typical X-files and like Frank was just another character written into an X-files episode.

Guest Moriarty

Well, that X-files episode gave absolutely no closure to MM. When you listen to the commentary of Frank Spotnitz on the last DVD of season 3 he admits this. He wrote an X-files episode and by that standard it was ok but as a conclusion to MM it was a failure. I wish they never made that episode. Frank driving away with Jordan to whatever future is closure for MM for me. Jordan saying "We are all shepperds." was more satisfying than that X-files episode from the 7th season. But hey, that's just my feeling.

  • Elders (Admins)

Yes they should have let us know what happened to Peter Watts in the X-File episode, it was supposed to be the final closure afterall. Perhaps by ignoring him they were saying he was dead afterall. I don't believe it for a second!

As I hate the X-Files episode, my closure came with S3. Its funny though, a friend watched all 3 seasons of Millennium last month and said he loved it. He also insisted he loved the X-Files cross-over too!

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
Hey Everyone,

I am sure this topic has been discussed before, but being new and all I felt compelled to add my tuppence worth. I have to say I was disapointed in the conclusion to season three, the "Goodbye To All That"episode was not bad but they could have wrapped it up so much better with the X-Files episode. Why not eloborate more on the apparent death of Peter Watts, or the involvement of Emma Hollis in the Millenium group.

It seems to have been hastily put together, maybe they shouldnt have bothered with the X-files episode. I feel that they should just have ended with the last Millenium episode. Better Franks jeep driving off into the distance than the poor X-files showing.


Well, it's totally understandable that you feel this way, and apparently many here agree with you. But, as I have commented before about this 'MillenniuM' X-Files episode, first and foremost it is not SUPPOSED to be any type of wrapping up of MillenniuM in any way. It is an X-FILES episode, no more; and all it is showing is simply a concurrent time line of where Frank happens to be at that particular moment and how he crosses paths with Mulder & Sculley and how a story line was continued in a great, entertaining way with all concerned. Then, at the end Frank get's his daugher and they go on... (THEREFORE, LEAVING US UNTIL THE BLOODY MILLENNIUM FILM COMES OUT!!!)

Like other MillenniuM episodes, particularly, this X-Files episode cannot really be looked at with ANY expectation of finishing off anything or necessarily even fitting in perfectly with what has gone before; it is simply an X-Files episode to be enjoyed for what it is. The fact that Frank is even in it is a bonus! :yes:

It is my sincere, lowly opinion that this episode, and primarily certain MillenniuM episodes, should be watched as 'STAND ALONE' episodes. For example, that would make a lot of the variant 2nd Season episodes much more enjoyable to many out there who don't care for them simply for the reason that M & W deviated so strongly from CC's orignal idea. This is indeed true, but don't LET IT take the enjoyment of the INDIVIDUAL EPISODES away from you! :yes:

Guest betweenthelines

Regarding the "X-Files" crossover, I would have liked to hear something about Emma Hollis. She ended up betraying Frank and joining the Millennium Group not long before it dissolved. Did she go back to the FBI? Did she find a different job or was she killed on the job? So many questions, man, so many questions.

Guest MillenniumIsBliss
Regarding the "X-Files" crossover, I would have liked to hear something about Emma Hollis. She ended up betraying Frank and joining the Millennium Group not long before it dissolved. Did she go back to the FBI? Did she find a different job or was she killed on the job? So many questions, man, so many questions.

I think when they talked about bringing Frank Black onto the show, these are the kind of ideas that were floating around in fans heads, but unfortunately, we didn't get much of this sort of thing. We did get a nice little story about zombies though. :yes:

I think when they talked about bringing Frank Black onto the show, these are the kind of ideas that were floating around in fans heads, but unfortunately, we didn't get much of this sort of thing. We did get a nice little story about zombies though. :yes:
Good posts from everyone here...i dont find much to disagree with from anyone...Spotnitz's admission (thanks Moriarty) only served to frustrate those who were looking for the "closure" needed. As for the apparent demise of Peter, i have never believed that the body seen at the end of GTAT is actually Peter's. My opinion is that the writers were still harboring some hope of a 4th season, and therefore reached the best conclusion they could have with the continuation of the show in jeopardy. It most certainly is a very dicotomous finale, for those who felt comfortable with the ending, then it was Peter, for other who harbor a similar opinion as myself, i like to think that the door would have been left still slighty open, in the hopes, albeit in retrospect futile, of a 4th season...in this case the body could have been made to be just about anybody...a group assassin (Mabius perhaps?), who knows...but the important thing is, the writers left it up to each person to draw their own conclusions...

i dont know about anyone else, but the idea that the body could indeed be Peter's really brings with it a terrible sense of melencholy and sadness, for we all had grown to welcome Peter into our hearts..

4th Horseman..

Guest Moriarty
Good posts from everyone here...i dont find much to disagree with from anyone...Spotnitz's admission (thanks Moriarty) only served to frustrate those who were looking for the "closure" needed. As for the apparent demise of Peter, i have never believed that the body seen at the end of GTAT is actually Peter's. My opinion is that the writers were still harboring some hope of a 4th season, and therefore reached the best conclusion they could have with the continuation of the show in jeopardy. It most certainly is a very dicotomous finale, for those who felt comfortable with the ending, then it was Peter, for other who harbor a similar opinion as myself, i like to think that the door would have been left still slighty open, in the hopes, albeit in retrospect futile, of a 4th season...in this case the body could have been made to be just about anybody...a group assassin (Mabius perhaps?), who knows...but the important thing is, the writers left it up to each person to draw their own conclusions...

i dont know about anyone else, but the idea that the body could indeed be Peter's really brings with it a terrible sense of melencholy and sadness, for we all had grown to welcome Peter into our hearts..

4th Horseman..

Well said 4th. I also feel that it was not Peter's body. Then again, my wife thinks it is. So there you go. Each person draws their own conclusions. It is my opinion that if there was going to be a 4th season it was not going to be without Peter. That character was way to important. It is a shame that it was cancelled. MM was the best TV ever made.

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