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Channel 5

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Guest wehavethefacts

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Guest wehavethefacts

Hello All,

For fans of the show in the UK, an idea occurred to me the other day, and as I'm new I don't know if it's been knocked about already.  I know the show's currently running on the SciFi channel, but it's been years since we had an (incomplete!) showing on terrestrial TV, and I don't have cable.  Since Five has lots of "quality" US shows such as Boomtown, CSi, Law & Order, Angel, Alias, Dark Angel, etc, perhaps this is the place we should be asking for a re-showing?  Here is the Email I've just written to their duty office - how about a few other people put their thoughts down?  Strength in numbers!  Remember, be polite and inquisitive and you are likely to be taken more seriously.  Power to the People!


"In light of Five's commitment to showing quality US drama as a major chunk of it's schedule, I was wondering what the possibility was to you acquiring the rights for Chris Carter's "Millennium", which was so poorly treated by ITV on it's showing in 1997/8?  There is a huge community of fans clamouring for the release of this show on DVD, which will not be until the end of next year at the earliest, and I'm sure it would prove a ratings winner if it was given a regular time slot.

The show is currently running on the SciFi network, but I believe it will end around March if they stick to their current rate of output (2 episodes per week).  I would be grateful if you could consider this request!"


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  • Elders (Admins)

Hhhm, I understand your point about getting Millennium shown on terrestrial tv for those who do have receive Sky Digital satellite or cable but UK Sci-Fi have battled hard for many years to get Sky One to release the broadcasting rights and have only just commenced a straight through Season 1-3 run. I don't think they'll be keen to give them up yet, despite relegating Millennium to the darkest of hours. That alone is interesting as even UK Sci-Fi describe the show in the Sky EPG (Electronic Program Guide) as "Critically acclaimed conspiracy series from the creator of the X-Files". Always the X-Files :alien:

Channel 5 would be a choice if UK Sci-Fi dump the series though. I'm become quite a fan of Channel 5 now that I can get a picture from Sky Digital rather than static (!). I love the fact they show a movie each night too, usually action of horror.


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Guest wehavethefacts
Yes, they certainly seem to have bucked their ideas up recently.  Out of interest, about what percentage of registered users of this board are from the UK?
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Guest wehavethefacts

Here's Five's very prompt response, anyway - I'll let you know if their Acquisitions dept. gets back to me.  That sounds like a cool job - I knew someone a while ago who was a programme buyer for the BBC, he was always jetting off somewhere!

So, if they get a lot of requests, they may investigate.  Come on people!

"Thank you for your recent e-mail regarding Millennium.

Unfortunately, we do not have the rights to Millennium. However, we have passed your request to see this programme on Five to our Acquisitions Department for their attention.

Thank you for your interest in Five.

Yours sincerely


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  • 1 month later...
Guest amnesic

Doesn't the rights for showing a show on satellite differ to that of showing it on terrestrial TV? If so,, then Channel 5 should be able to show MM without Sci-fi having to give up the right.  This, of course, is dependent on ITV not holding the rights to show season 1.

BTW, don't know if you noticed, but Channel 5 use to run First Wave at about 4am on a saturday/sunday (and without adverts!).  As they bought that pile of dren wouldn't they be more likely to buy quality merhcandise such as MM?!

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