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MillenniuM Disruption...

For visitors of the MillenniuM sites www.MillenniumDesktop.co.uk and it's Millennium Message Board, "This Is Who We Are" www.TIWWA.info who may be wondering what has happened to the sites I would like to advise you what has happened.

Unfortunately, we are having a problem with our Domain Name. The Domain Name was previously registered with a UK company named ValidWeb.net and due to lousy customer service in that they refused to answer e-mails and reply to telephone messages, I had to pay Nominet to transfer (remove the Validweb name tag) the Domain Name to a new company, one of the best on the UK, OneandOne.co.uk

Unfortunately, after transferring was complete last Friday 10th October, it came to light that OneandOne has changed the Domain Name's Name Server Settings so that the www.MillenniumDesktop.co.uk pointed to a blank page holder instead of leaving it as it was, pointing at the actual site Millennium Desktop UK. As a consequence its Message Board was also effected.

OneandOne have so far been unwilling to assist in changing the name servers back to point at the website and thus we are now looking to move the Domain Name for a third time to another company. Until this is active, both websites will be unavailable. We have however, with grateful thanks to our web hosts in the US, been given a temporary web address for visitors to use to access MDUK here:


Rest assured that all files, WebPages, message Board posts, topics and replies are all intact and once this upheaval has been completed, normal service will resume.

Meanwhile, please accept my apologies for this unforeseen inconvenience.

A copy of this update has been posted to the MillenniuM Newsgroups.

Thank You.

Graham Smith



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