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rediscovery of a S3 episode

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Guest betweenthelines

I saw this before when I first watched the Season 3 DVDs. Didn't give it much thought at first (think I fell asleep at one point in the ep) but decided to give the episode another try. I really enjoyed it the second time around. I haven't seen many programs about child murderers/molesters so I don't know if this is common, but I thought it was clever how Bernelli was portrayed as... not sympathetic... but he wasn't as monstrous as one would expect. The direction, as always, was great. I particularly liked the courtroom scene, with all the varied camera angles and editing techniques.

Not quite my favorite of the season, but 'Through a Glass Darkly' is a fine episode. I'd probably show this one to potential fans (later down the line so as not to confuse them).

Guest MillenniumIsBliss
I saw this before when I first watched the Season 3 DVDs. Didn't give it much thought at first (think I fell asleep at one point in the ep) but decided to give the episode another try. I really enjoyed it the second time around. I haven't seen many programs about child murderers/molesters so I don't know if this is common, but I thought it was clever how Bernelli was portrayed as... not sympathetic... but he wasn't as monstrous as one would expect. The direction, as always, was great. I particularly liked the courtroom scene, with all the varied camera angles and editing techniques.

Not quite my favorite of the season, but 'Through a Glass Darkly' is a fine episode. I'd probably show this one to potential fans (later down the line so as not to confuse them).

Yes, I found it to be one of the best season three episodes, as well as one of the best overall. I remember the beginning of season three being kind of a see saw experience. Every time I thought it was getting back to S1/S2 quality, a stinker episode like 13 Years Later would come along. As mentioned in the past, I have come to like the first two episodes more, now that I have become more accustomed to the changes that took place early on. However, at the time, I probably would have said that 3 of the first 5 episodes were poor, and the other two were good, but not great. I think 13 Years Later was probably the low point of the entire series, but then came a run of some of the best MM I had seen. I loved "Skull and Bones", and after Through a Glass Darkly, I remember thinking, "hey, this series is getting really good again". Of the 8 episodes after 13 Years Later, 7 of them were outstanding, and therefore I will forgive them for "Human Essence". With all the complaining about season two, and Carter and others wanting to return to season one form, I found it strange that it took until "Through a Glass...", 7 episodes into S3 before we come to something that would have fit nicely into season 1. If not for Skull and Bones, I would have also labeled it the first "5 star" episode of season three, but, as I have said before, Skull and Bones ranks very highly on my list. Through a Glass is brilliantly written, and I have to say, I never saw any of the plot twists coming. Everything about the episode it top notch, the writing, the acting, the setting, the cinematography etc.

Guest ___ L@the_of_Heaven___
Yes, I found it to be one of the best season three episodes, as well as one of the best overall. I remember the beginning of season three being kind of a see saw experience. Every time I thought it was getting back to S1/S2 quality, a stinker episode like 13 Years Later would come along. As mentioned in the past, I have come to like the first two episodes more, now that I have become more accustomed to the changes that took place early on. However, at the time, I probably would have said that 3 of the first 5 episodes were poor, and the other two were good, but not great. I think 13 Years Later was probably the low point of the entire series, but then came a run of some of the best MM I had seen. I loved "Skull and Bones", and after Through a Glass Darkly, I remember thinking, "hey, this series is getting really good again". Of the 8 episodes after 13 Years Later, 7 of them were outstanding, and therefore I will forgive them for "Human Essence". With all the complaining about season two, and Carter and others wanting to return to season one form, I found it strange that it took until "Through a Glass...", 7 episodes into S3 before we come to something that would have fit nicely into season 1. If not for Skull and Bones, I would have also labeled it the first "5 star" episode of season three, but, as I have said before, Skull and Bones ranks very highly on my list. Through a Glass is brilliantly written, and I have to say, I never saw any of the plot twists coming. Everything about the episode it top notch, the writing, the acting, the setting, the cinematography etc.

Yep, as usual my friend I agree fully with your highly accurate vodka-enhanced insights about the show! :wink: I'd say that about sums up the season very well.

Guest MillenniumIsBliss
Yep, as usual my friend I agree fully with your highly accurate vodka-enhanced insights about the show! :wink: I'd say that about sums up the season very well.

Vodka is the nectar of creativity. :yes:

Guest betweenthelines
Every time I thought it was getting back to S1/S2 quality, a stinker episode like 13 Years Later would come along. As mentioned in the past, I have come to like the first two episodes more, now that I have become more accustomed to the changes that took place early on. However, at the time, I probably would have said that 3 of the first 5 episodes were poor, and the other two were good, but not great. I think 13 Years Later was probably the low point of the entire series, but then came a run of some of the best MM I had seen.

I'll agree to disagree. It doesn't add anything to the overall story but '...Thirteen Years Later' was the first episode of Season 3 that I really enjoyed. I liked the quirky sense of humor, the idea of someone making a movie based on one of Frank's exploits, and the KISS song was pretty cool. I'm not too keen on the previous episodes: the glimpse into Frank's personal life and how he was holding up after Catherine's death were the only things I really enjoyed about 'The Innocents'. 'Exegesis' was awful, with 'TEOTWAWKI' being marginally better. To be honest, I don't remember much about 'Closure'. I'll have to give that one another try.

On a side note, I didn't think 'Human Essence' was really all that bad. I guess I had really low expectations since many of the comments I read about this episode were quite negative.

Guest MillenniumIsBliss
I'll agree to disagree. It doesn't add anything to the overall story but '...Thirteen Years Later' was the first episode of Season 3 that I really enjoyed. I liked the quirky sense of humor, the idea of someone making a movie based on one of Frank's exploits, and the KISS song was pretty cool. I'm not too keen on the previous episodes: the glimpse into Frank's personal life and how he was holding up after Catherine's death were the only things I really enjoyed about 'The Innocents'. 'Exegesis' was awful, with 'TEOTWAWKI' being marginally better. To be honest, I don't remember much about 'Closure'. I'll have to give that one another try.

On a side note, I didn't think 'Human Essence' was really all that bad. I guess I had really low expectations since many of the comments I read about this episode were quite negative.

Yep, it sounds like I have found another polar opposite in you, but that's OK, Millennium has something for everyone. :oneeyedwinK I thought Closure was pretty good and had some good writing with Emma's character, but I wouldn't call it great.

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