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What Episodes Made You Mad

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As a follow up to my very popular "What Epiosdes Made You Cry" thread i thought this would be the perfect next step.

You might be thinking,"Geez Joe what do you mean by mad?" These are the episodes that pulled you into the story in which you find yourself yelling at the TV. Here is my list

Via Dolorosa: I found myself mad at Peter Watts because of his relationship towards Frank

Luminary: Found myself mad at the MM groups inquisition of Frank Black

Monster: One and only time i was mad at Lara Means regarding her attitude towards Frank

Guest elithia_caymen
As a follow up to my very popular "What Epiosdes Made You Cry" thread i thought this would be the perfect next step.

You might be thinking,"Geez Joe what do you mean by mad?" These are the episodes that pulled you into the story in which you find yourself yelling at the TV. Here is my list

Via Dolorosa: I found myself mad at Peter Watts because of his relationship towards Frank

Luminary: Found myself mad at the MM groups inquisition of Frank Black

Monster: One and only time i was mad at Lara Means regarding her attitude towards Frank

can we count the X-Files crossover episode?....that made me livid


Well, "Broken World" both made me cry AND made me mad. It was the first time I found out what was actually going on with horses, being used for their piss, kept in stalls, not allowed to ever even lie down, being kept pregnant so they could keep making the hormone-filled urine for drugs for women....

All that was real, you know.

And, yes, I got angry in Luminary at how Frank was so cut off by the group that he had worked so hard for.

Also....the way the system immediatly looked at Frank as the "Monster" really made me boil as well.

Well, "Broken World" both made me cry AND made me mad. It was the first time I found out what was actually going on with horses, being used for their piss, kept in stalls, not allowed to ever even lie down, being kept pregnant so they could keep making the hormone-filled urine for drugs for women....

All that was real, you know.

And, yes, I got angry in Luminary at how Frank was so cut off by the group that he had worked so hard for.

Also....the way the system immediatly looked at Frank as the "Monster" really made me boil as well.

I got mad when the second season diverged so much from what went before, particularly with the Polaroid man in Beginning and The End. That the group knew who he was all along, had detailed files on him, had waited until Frank was in another vulnerable position (as he was during his breakdown and as Peter Watts was when he found the babies body in the cooler) to draw him deeper into what had suddenly become a cult.

The idea of the Group being corrupted by the same millennial hysteria they were supposed to be fighting was a good one, but not one that was effectively paced or spread out through the season.

I got mad when the second season diverged so much from what went before, particularly with the Polaroid man in Beginning and The End. That the group knew who he was all along, had detailed files on him, had waited until Frank was in another vulnerable position (as he was during his breakdown and as Peter Watts was when he found the babies body in the cooler) to draw him deeper into what had suddenly become a cult.

The idea of the Group being corrupted by the same millennial hysteria they were supposed to be fighting was a good one, but not one that was effectively paced or spread out through the season.

I think "mad" is a relative word here...anger never was an issue with any of the episodes in particular, but as Enginecomics put so eloquently, the midstream change from the darkness of S1 to a group divided by religious/secular beliefs...the cross of the crucifixion, blood rituals at the river's edge, etc...

Peter's solioquy about "his boy" and why he had three daughters was a wonderful moment

4th Horseman...

Guest SouthernCelt

I never got mad, presuming you mean angry, at any of the characters or storylines but did get a bit frustrated with Catherine in season 2. She seemed to vascillate between pitying Frank's situation and despising it and him. Whenever she got angry with Frank she would always throw out the complaint that Frank never told her what was happening but then when he would try to explain something she would never accept his explanation and either express doubt about his perception or lash out about how he wasn't keeping Jordan and her topmost in his concerns. She would never accept that he couldn't just walk away from the Group and expect them to not follow in some way or other.

I was also a bit put off by the way some of the FBI agents treated Frank in season 3. Instead of distrusting him, they should have hung on his every word since he knew more than they could ever learn on their own.

  • Elders (Moderators)

The Well-worn Lock.. Clea Bangs's attitude, for example, is infuriating:

CATHERINE: I'm sorry this is happening.

MRS. BANGS: Could have been avoided.

CATHERINE: How do you mean?

MRS. BANGS: I think you know.

CATHERINE: Are you at all aware how your daughters feel about their father, Mrs. Bangs?

MRS. BANGS: Everything seemed quite all right for the past 35 years. Now you're an expert?

CATHERINE: Did you ever have a secret, something you didn't want to tell because you were afraid someone might use it against you?


CATHERINE: We all have secrets, Mrs. Bangs.

MRS. BANGS: Maybe that's what they're best kept as.


Guest ZeusFaber

"The Hand of Saint Sebastian" gets me shaking my head every time I watch it, for reasons I've talked about many times before.


i disagree but i do thnk that it could have been more serious, like that french cop the comic relieve needed to be taken out of that episode

Guest MillenniumIsBliss
"The Hand of Saint Sebastian" gets me shaking my head every time I watch it, for reasons I've talked about many times before.

Hello Zeus, my polar opposite. :oneeyedwinK Once again we share an opposing view, as I really loved the episode. I wish I could dig up the thread where you elaborate on your dislike for the episode, but I can see where some people might not have liked it. It was far from typical Millennium. I have to admit, I didn't have fond memories of it after the first viewing, but it has really grown on me, and now that I am used to it, I really enjoy watching it. It seems like these "non serious" episodes are hit or miss with loyal MM watchers, and I have heard differing views on all of them. I, for example, can find absolutely no redeeming qualities in "13 Years Later", but love "Somehow Satan, Jose Chung and St. Sebastian. These type episodes probably, in many cases, add to the dislike that many have for season two. As mentioned, I tuned into these episodes expecting your typical dark, serious Millennium episodes, so it took me some time to accept them.

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