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The Awaited Millennium Meltdown...................

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From the Archives of Brian A. Dixon's Millennial Abyss.............

The November 22nd, 1999 Abyss Blotter Update:

"Millennium Meltdown!  The FX network recently made an official press release regarding the nine hour November 28th Millennium marathon.  In addition to confirming the fact that Lance Henriksen will be hosting the network's look at the series' most important mythology episodes FX announced their next marathon. "As we approach the year 2000, this marathon will serve as a kick-off for FX December's Millennium Meltdown, where FX will present 28 episodes of the series over two days (December 31 & January 1)."  It won't get any better than this, folks.  Enjoy December of 1999 while it lasts."

Do you remember when this was first annouced?!  And do you remember anticipating it, after our great show was cancelled before the actual comming millennium?!  This Meltdown Marathon was a big part of my personal celebration of the actual millennium.  And, no matter how it turned out, I was excited about the XFs Crossover that it would end with.

What were others reactions to this?  Were you waiting for "The Meltdown"?  Were you excited?  Were you anticipating it........................................


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Guest LauraKrycek

Ah, yes... how I remember anxiously awaiting those days of MM.  That's when my mom watched a lot of episodes (I was in my room, she in the living room, and as soon as the show went to commercials, she called me into the living room to explain what had just happened).  It's also when I got into lighting candles, which is why around Christmas I always want to light lots of candles and watch "Midnight of the Century" and "Omerta".  But, for a little nostalgia, here's part of the text from the commercials, which tickled me, so I wrote it down.  It's on the same sheet of paper as random other notes from episodes, like the web addresses and newsgroups features in "Avatar" and Catherine's birthday\number of languages spoken.

The sky will rain fire.

The land will be stained with blood.

Plagues will prey upon mankind.

Chaos will reign.

Famine and natural disasters will multiply.

All the prophecies will come true.

Your identity will be deleted.

The bank will lose your money.

Your computer will fry.

Robot monkeys will eat your brain.

(and each one ended in:)

Yep, it's the end of the world.

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Well, first of all, it's cool that that was on my birthday in 1999.  (at least somebody was having fun that day...lol)

The night before was spent in another kind of "Millennium Meltdown".  I was dating this guy....who'd been realy nice and cool....Untill he had his knee operated on, and was given too much anisthetic, and it messed up his personality.  On New Year's Eve... I was attempting to watch fireworks on tv, and he called me up....in the middle of a crisis.  I was trying to calm him down, while he was talking about killing himself, and, suddenly he said (& I never knew if this was something he made up to get attention, or if he realy saw it, with his rapedly degrading brain) he was looking at his clock-radio, and the time read 6:66...like Scully's on "Orison".  :devil01:

The next day, he called me up to say that something had killed his parent's Pygmy goats, and that his dad was blaming my boyfriend's dog, and was gonna kill her.  So, my (now decised) friend Laury (the one who introduced me to MM) went there, and picked him and the dog up and took her back to Laury's house, where she'd be safe.  Funny thing was, the radio station that we all listened to was undergoing a little program change, and, while they were doing that, they were playing R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the Word and We Know It....And I Fell Fine." OVER AND OVER AND OVER!  For 24 hours!  We thought we WERE gonna loose our minds! :rofl:

(sorry...just a little reminising)

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