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MillenniuM and Ecclecticism

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It just really struct me now ecclectic MLM fans are and how ecclectic the discussions we have at the message board.  I think this is one of the many great things about the the MLM fan base, and the subject matter of MLM.  There are so many different ways that it ties into different things in life, and lends itself to varying discussions.  Likewise, it seems like MLM fans are very diverse individually and as a group.

I mean, take a look at some of the things that get discussed here.  Think about how many times this board could come up in an internet search engine.  I mean, I was just reflecting on... what if someone involved with the "Theory of Everything" site saw that we were discussing their website and that it somehow related to the show MLM... LOL!

I would love to see people reactions that wind up here looking for other things.

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:thinking_big: IS Ecclecticism a word...........?

Survey says...... :yes_big:YES it is indeed a word! :thumbsup_big:

And, I have to agree.... I look at all the intersting and diverse people I've come to know...(and love! :wink_big:  :kissypoo:  ) I'm simply amazed by it all!  It takes a certain kind of mentality...a certain level of awareness...that the other 85% just doesn't have!  What if a stranger wandered in, you ask?  LOL  He'd probably call the F.B.I. and turn us all in! :p

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