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Millenniumistic Group in Georgia

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Raven Wolf

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David Blackwell

(who keeps getting to know more people from Georgia)

WHO?  WHO?  In 11 months, I've only found ONE other member of this group, or any other, for that matter, who's from Georgia!  Where are you hiding them? :wink_big:  :laugh_big:

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WHO?  WHO?  In 11 months, I've only found ONE other member of this group, or any other, for that matter, who's from Georgia!  Where are you hiding them? :wink_big:  :laugh_big:

I'm broadly talking about the internet in general.  I first knew a person from Georgia who posts at the Doctor Who tech Forum from years ago and this week I was contacted by a person from Georgia who posts at one of the Waking The Dead forums (which pretty much fullfills one of my requests in teh classifieds here at TIWWA).  Waking The Dead is a British crime show that airs on the BBC in the UK and the US on BBC America.   Doctor Who is a British sci-fi show that ran on the BBC for 26 years and it looks like DW is set to return in 2005.

Be Seeing You,

David Blackwell

(who wonders if he should starts a "Where is the Selfosophist?" or a "Where Is Raven Wolf"? thread at ExIsle)

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Doctor Who is a British sci-fi show that ran on the BBC for 26 years and it looks like DW is set to return in 2005.

Doctor WHO? :laugh_big:   Hey, I LOVE Doctor Who!  I even met the 3rd Doctor at a convention when I was in middle school! :smily_tooth_big:

David Blackwell

(who wonders if he should starts a "Where is the Selfosophist?" or a "Where Is Raven Wolf"? thread at ExIsle)

No nead, LOL.  I've popped in and out a lot, and am just having a hard time "jumping in".  It's a VERY  :cool-big:  site, though!

There can be only one..... :devil01:

~Raven Wolf :ouro:

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Guest LauraKrycek
Imagine an anti-Frank Black!!!! :p  :frank_black:

Sounds scary to me!  Doesn't have a family (or maybe hates them\murdered them), uses his powers for evil, and is a cat person who lives in a blue house!  The madness!

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