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Like Water for Octane

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Guest WaveCrest

I saw something on the TV a few months ago which was very interesting to watch. It was a report about water in the future could very well power cars. I immediately thought of the Lone Gunmen episode when I heard this.

Before this TV report there had been previous ideas about water powering cars but the idea was talked down.

  • Elders (Admins)

About 8 years ago in the UK, someone converted their car to run on pure orange juice. It was all over the news. He got the parts at the weekend from a local Motor World store and did the conversion in his garage. I wonder whatever happened to him and his invention?

Graham :ouro:

I wonder whatever happened to him and his invention?

Graham :ouro:

...........And he was never seen or heard from again.......... :devil::devil01::rofl:

About 8 years ago in the UK, someone converted their car to run on pure orange juice. It was all over the news. He got the parts at the weekend from a local Motor World store and did the conversion in his garage. I wonder whatever happened to him and his invention?

Graham :ouro:

......."ORANGE JUICE????" ....THat's about as wierd as one group of vermont college student getting a bus to run on used cooking oil. they drove it cross country last year! they said it smelled like french fries and fried chicken all the time? :gaba::p

~se7en :ouro:

Guest chrisnu

To indirectly quote the Writer:

"Converts car to run solely on orange juice? Gone." :ouro:

Guest SouthernCelt
I saw something on the TV a few months ago which was very interesting to watch. It was a report about water in the future could very well power cars. I immediately thought of the Lone Gunmen episode when I heard this.

Before this TV report there had been previous ideas about water powering cars but the idea was talked down.

I don't remember the LG show either but I never got to see all of them.

The water-as-fuel story was probably about cold fusion. Ten or more years ago this was a much-discussed "discovery" that could not be demonstrated to work when the process was put on the spot publicly. At the time, a lot of the conspiracy theorists suggested that the demo had been sabotaged by the fossil fuel industry to prevent any alternative energy technology from getting off the ground as a possible commercial competitor. I don't know the truth about this but, considering what the oil, gas, and coal producers and refiners would have to lose if a fuel source using water were to become commercially viable, there could very well have been a conspiracy. :devil01:

I heard a portion of the "Coast-to-Coast" radio show a couple of days ago and cold fusion energy from water was the topic of discussion. (For those of you who aren't familiar with "CtC," the show focuses on the paranormal, UFOs, non-traditional religion, cryptozoology, secret societies, and... well, you get the trend. Think of it as what kind of show Fox Mulder would have if he took all the X-Files public.) :alien: Cold fusion technology may be making a come back to the public eye. I guess we'll see...

Guest WaveCrest

That's an interesting story SouthernCelt. :smokin::thinking_big:

I thought about starting a thread in another of the folders not posted in much to widen the variety of active discussions here. And there was this about water-powered cars so I posted this thread in here. :wink:

  • 1 year later...
Guest Legion

Cars powered by water - true fact. We're working on that (i.e. we the physics spin doctors). AS you might know the idea is splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen and use the hydrogen to react with atmosphere's oxygen and so ignite the water-engines. The result is cars emitting water vapour. But do you know who was the first to come up with this idea?

Jules Verne. Captain Nemo's Nautilus works this way.


You can power a diesel engine with something called "grassahol". In other words you can grow fuel for diesel engines. I don't understand why billions are being spent for hydrogen fuel ideas when this very friendly solution exists.

Farmers would benefit, our air would benefit,and we would be less dependant on oil politics.

You can order 80 gallon drums of the stuff and it is only a few pennies per gallon more expensive than diesel fuel. If you live in Boulder, Colorado there is a fuel station in town that pumps it. I don' t know if it is available in other towns.

Is it just too simple of a solution?

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