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Do you have a Millennium, X-Files or Ten Thirteen related website?

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  • Elders (Admins)

As you may know we have a new Millennium website in development which is nearing completion. The site is a long overdue replacement for the ageing but still updated Millennium Desktop UK, which is actually now the only Millennium based site to be updated on a regular basis.

As such I will be updating the list of websites the MDUK currently links to, removing obsolete links to sites that have long since disappeared.

Aside from my checking my bookmarks, our Links facility at TIWWA and Google, if you have a Millennium, X-Files or Ten Thirteen related website that would like to see included in our new Links page, please feel free to post it's web address in this topic. Please state whether your site is still being updated or is considered to be out of date or dormant.

Any and all contributions would be gratefully received.


Don't know if mine counts or not since its development story site, but it does have elements of MilleniuM.

The story is inspired by the MilleniuM Series. If it doesnt count you can pass on it....its up to you


Don't know if mine counts or not since its development story site, but it does have elements of MilleniuM.

The story is inspired by the MilleniuM Series. If it doesnt count you can pass on it....its up to you


Hey Joe..right on with the new avatar!!! love it...



Hey, Joe has just started a new MSN group as well, as he mentioned in another thread.


And, there's the website that Jason (MovieMaker) put up for the movie Appocolypse.

And, I don't know if this counts, but I started an MSN group called The Millennium Group which is NOT a fan site, but is for my "Millennium/Frank Black" inspired investigative group.


  • Elders (Admins)

Thanks all!

ZeusFaber, I'll be adding a dedicated section of the website for your VS5 also, as with Millennium Apocalypse.

Guest ZeusFaber

Sounds wonderful. Hope it all goes well.

Feel free to reproduce any material from the VS5 section of the BVC website.


Just a note to add....

Yes, I realize my little website needs some updating and *freshnin' up* LOL That will come soon....

I'll also soon be working on a more "professional" website for my group, with a fellow TIWWA member!

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