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Somehow Satan Got Behind Me

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Guest Second Coming


I watched this last night. This is an episode I always enjoyed. It's probably not the popular choice on this board. But I always get a kick out of that episode. When I first saw it I thought it was so original and such a great idea for an episode. Now several years later I realize that some of the idea is similar to a C.S. Lewis book called "The Screwtape Letters". Where a demon, "Screwtape", is writing letters to his apprentice "Wormwood" on how to tempt and trip up mankind. It's still funny though and a good light-hearted episode before the two-part finale where the word is destroyed by "viral chickens"  :devil:

You're right to draw comparissons between these two particular pieces.  In fact, writer Darin Morgan based the premise of the hilarious "Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me" on C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters.  Both are farcical tales in which ridiculous demons explain in some detail their personal methods of leading humanity down the path to hell.  "Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me" certainly is unique among the Millennium canon.
Guest Second Coming
Wow, really? I thought the similarities were definately there. But I didn't know that he in fact based it on that. Nice. :smokin:
Guest Anamnesis
I too found this episode very entertaining and one of my two favourite comedic episodes (the other being "Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense")  It was always interesting to see a show that had a reputation as dark as Millennium run episodes bordering on X-files humor (as backed up by the "crossover" in Somehow Satan).  I mean they are not entirely out of place in the series, but they certainly don't follow the usual grittiness of the show.  Great for rewatching when there is nothing on the box !

Somehow Satan Got Behind Me is one of my favorite episodes as well. I found that its humor almost made the episode darker.  Here you have unspeakable evil throughout the series and yet the real emeny appears less evil than the psychos Frank usually deals with. They were almost pleasent.

I am a big fan of C. S. Lewis- thats another reason I really liked the episode.


"Somehow Satan Got Behind Me" uses the humoristic tone in order to accent the aberration of the human life.

Finally, it is perhaps the darkest episode of all the show.

  • 6 months later...
Guest TheSunKing1972

Another one in my top 10. Freekin' hilarious episode from beginning to end. When I first saw it, the way the newspaper is delivered..hehe...I always thought it was the:devil01:  that delivered the paper. It's kinda funny, maybe crazy but when we first subscribed to the local paper, I told the guy who came to sell us the paper,  to make sure it was always folded neatly, dry and by my door everyday, because that would let me know WHO I was dealing with. Well, it was folded neatly by my door everyday. :smily_tooth_big:

When Toby told Sally "..... you disgusting, fat cow." I cracked up  :rofl:

but then we find her in the tub dead...what a quick mood swinger.....

Anyway.....perfectly crafted piece of art..  :thumbsup_big:  :frank_black:

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Lady 3Jane
I loved the episode. And I was shoked as I read some reviews who hate it. but things like this are subjective, and normally I don't care what the "cretincs" (with apologizes to RampseyCampbell *g*) are saying.
  • 1 month later...
Guest Zdenius
i missed this one 1st one and one guy told me that it was good but very unprofessional, the constums were shite, etc etc. I found it months ago and i love it. its so funny, its not so ultra-well-done-professional, but its very true and really funny, I love every episode goddamn!  :thumbsup_big:
  • 8 years later...
Guest Ghostmojo

I'm glad to see some others here who really like this episode and am surprised it hasn't been commented upon for so long (2003!!!). It is brilliantly funny and wryly observed. It is like one of those standalone XF episodes which don't feature much of M & S. It just deals with a clever idea and then tries to embed itself into the main show. It could easily have been an episode from TheTwilight Zone or The Outer Limits or some other such theatre showcase series.

If demons are just here to cause trouble in an almost 9-5 workmanlike routine, then aren't they just the same as the rest of us? And their variable successes and obvious causes for personal doubts make them just as 'human' as the rest of us. They are part of the same trap as all of us. Why are we here? If they don't know - then what hope is there for mere mortals?

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