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G'day from Australia

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G'day from Australia,

Well I saw only one show of Millennium when it first aired in Australia and that was Somehow Satan got behind me. And you know it made a lasting impression on me. I thought it carried a great message that we have choice although sometimes we need to be reminded of that fact when demons are wispering in our ear. I think I was out on the nights MM was shown so that is why I didn't see any other episodes.

Anyway, I looked into purchasing the DVD when it was released but baulked at the price as I just wanted the one episode. Then I saw it on special so bought it and I watched some of the other episodes and I was hooked and I went out and bought Season 1 the rest of season 2 and season 3.

What a great series, what great characters and themes. So I have been watching the episodes in order and enjoying the world of MM.

I just finished watching The hand of St Sabastian - and then went though it again with the Directors comments - it was an impressive episode.

Found this forum a little while ago and have been lurking reading some of the posts it is a great forum and it is interesting that such a board is still active considering the show met its untimely demise so long ago now.

Again it goes to show that quality work is appreciated long after it is gone. I am impressed with the virtual seasons as well although I have only read one as I wanted to see the S1-3 first.

Well enough rambling - its nice to be here. :bigsmile:

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Guest SouthernCelt

Welcome, stuartW. :hiya: If you've been lurking, you've probably seen that TIWWA has a lot of good Millennium topics with continuing discussions as well as a good bit of silly fun with little, if any, Millennium connection. Feel free to participate in both.

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Guest MillenniumIsBliss

Hi StuartW, and G'day. Yes, from my experience, it wasn't long before the Millennium DVDs could be had for very reasonable prices. I ordered them the same day they were released on Amazon.com, and not only do they have free shipping on items over $25, but, if I remember correctly, I had $25 Amazon.com gift cards saved up, so I think I only paid about $15 out of pocket for each season. I have seen them recently for as little as $17.99. What a deal that would be if you needed them. I have gotten countless hours of enjoyment out of mine, and they are one of the few items that I don't want to trade in at the used CD store or sell on Amazon.com. By the way, you have very good taste, "Hand of St. Sebastian" is one of the very best episodes in my humble opinion. I'm glad you found us, have fun!!

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Hi StuartW, and G'day. Yes, from my experience, it wasn't long before the Millennium DVDs could be had for very reasonable prices. I ordered them the same day they were released on Amazon.com, and not only do they have free shipping on items over $25, but, if I remember correctly, I had $25 Amazon.com gift cards saved up, so I think I only paid about $15 out of pocket for each season. I have seen them recently for as little as $17.99. What a deal that would be if you needed them. I have gotten countless hours of enjoyment out of mine, and they are one of the few items that I don't want to trade in at the used CD store or sell on Amazon.com. By the way, you have very good taste, "Hand of St. Sebastian" is one of the very best episodes in my humble opinion. I'm glad you found us, have fun!!

Lucky you ! I have paid 60 euro for every season, but it was well worth it.

Welcome stuartW

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  • Elders (Admins)

Welcome ot the forums!

Posted by: nothing i do is magic Jun 18 2007, 09:52 PM

welcome to the forum, and how y'goin'?

congrats and enjoy the dvds - i know i do

- nothing, who misses australia way too much

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