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Murder Broadcast On The Internet...

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Guest Wellington

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Guest Wellington


I really do not want to see this **** of a video that was launched on the internet yesterday and made the headlines this morning (the American guy executed). It made me think about Mikado...

That is not live footage, but that is horrible enough to make me shake. I cannot help but put me in place of this guy, probably not aware of what was to come. I think about his family who had to endure it on TV (was it played? I do not have tv and I am thinking myself lucky for this one, but I guess it was... far less outrageous that a breast on a superbowl night), and whose pain and horror was made to be shared by the rest of the world. They lost their son at the hand of masked people, in a barbaric manner. I easily guess what will haunt their dreams from now on. Everything has gone so insane recently. If the world is to end the way humans behave, we will have a good taste of hell.

I wish I knew other words, but that makes me really sick. I wish I knew how to pray and I wish I could still hope for some kind of redemption. I also wish I could put some thoughts back into order. I did not feel that low on 9/11/2001.


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Guest se7en

....i cannot,or do not want to,say too much on this except to say that this world is a f***ed up place,and always has been really. i can't compare anything to 9/11,though i respect your right too,but this incident brought froth from me a whole new feeling of nausea and disgust.

~se7en :ouro:

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Guest Pencil Machine Operator

Maybe this post should be kept for the den...

I just wanted to ask if anyone else noticed the comments made by certain American politicians after this horrible incident: a lot of them referred to the murderers as "Barbarians".

But, when they heard the news of Iraqis being beaten to death in Abu Ghraib, these murderers were referred to as "bad apples".

I am increasingly convinced that there are racist undertones to this war: They (arabs) are uncouth barbarians, while we (westerners) are occasionally flawed, but ultimately Great. Where's that vomiting smiley??

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Guest RJ2000

I actually viewed the video over the Internet. What bothers me the most is how the media rages in disgust for days on end over the prison beatings and how Rumsfeld should lose his job, yet, the beheading of poor Nick Berg gets just a mere mention after the first day it's reported. (By the way, I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, so I'm being completely objective about it. Didn't want to ruffle any feathers.)

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Guest se7en

...the amount of coverage may have depended upon what channel you were viewing.(?) i know it was the top story on all my local news broadcasts and that ABC and CBC did rather in depth coverage of this for days.

...some networks out there are,though,unfortunately very much politicly motivated............toward the "right". such as BUSH NEWS........i mean "FOX NEWS NETWORK". (ahem) ...it's sometimes very frustrating trying to find out about particular story from an unbiased source. which is soooo not right.

~se7en :ouro:

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Guest se7en

.....oh yeah: I wish the whole damn administration could be replaced or removed,and i am neither a democrat or republican either.-(thank god!)

~se7en :ouro:

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Guest kath

My job has me doing work for the coriners office and the das office and I get alot of murder evidence photos, and atopsys photos, and there were seveal rolls of the bodies from flight 93- heads with no brains, faces that had the skin stripped away, chunks of flesh, bone, tattoos, rib cages that had the head sheared from it- and I had to cover the screen when it was printing because I couldn't look anymore. When I was done, I went to the back room and I shook from head to toe- it wasn't fear though. I wasn't afraid. It was - a horrible thing to see though. the shaking was from the amount of adreline that my body kept pumping into me so that I would keep working even though I didn't want to. I shook for over an hour.

A co worker came in the other day and said he had gone to the web site and saw the exicution. He started talking about the details, and while I realize he needed to express his fears and feelings, I couldnt deal with the raw emotions anymore.

I have seen people die. I held my fathers hand as he was dieing and I closed his eyes. I have found people who had died, and I have helped the police with information about the persons death. I chose not to watch the vidio, not because I am afraid to , or would be horrified to watch it, but because- well, I know what death is. I know that it will come to all of us, and I know that each time its played, we lose a bit of ourselves. There will always be death in war- on both sides, by both hands.

For those who do not know what to say in prayer- it never has to be formal. If you feel the need to pray, please pray for both sides of this conflict. over their, they feel just the same about their children as we do.


" Let there be a peaceful end to the conflicts which take loved ones from the arms of their familys. Let Humanity survive its weakness, and grow stronger with unity, love, and hope.- for all which we belive and hold dear, thank you."


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