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Unidentified song in The Sound of Snow. Can you help ID it?

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The Old Man

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  • Elders (Admins)

Hi all,

I received an e-mail this evening as follows:

As well as using the track "The dark End Of The Street." by James Carr, I wonder if you could tell me the artist and track name of another cool song we hear in the third season episode "The Sound Of Snow."? The track is playing on a stereo from the beginning of the scene wherein an ill-fated man approaches his stereo whilst taking an audio tape out of a padded envelope, places the tape in his tape deck (turning off the track in question), starts playing the tape, hears the white noise and then his living room begins to turn into an inferno. I really like the sound of this track but I can't find any mention of it on any "Millennium."-related website.

Many Thanks,

Chris Rasdale.

I checked and this track is a new one on me! I'll be doing some digging on the lyrics which so far I have as:

china town

the streets are waiting

thinking about you...

The transcript states:

[Very smart room in a bachelor–flat. Small, well–fitted kitchen, dining

area, work area, a table with n architect's model, drawing desk. A

young man, Jerry Origo, is sorting through his mail. One envelope is

the one from the young woman. He takes out the cassette and puts it in

a player. The rather bland music that he had been playing is replaced

by the white noise from the cassette. He takes notice of this and is

puzzled, then perturbed. He notices the fire burning in the grate – the

flames grow larger. He quickly extracts the tape. But now he sees the

flames extending out from the grate on to the floor, running towards

him. Flames now spread up the walls and across the ceiling. He screams.]

If you pop The Sound of Snow into your DVD Player, you'll hear the track about 13 minutes into the episode.

Let's try and nail this one!

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This is a puzzle. I've listened to it several times, but the lyrics aren't clear.

I've extracted that as an mp3, which I'l try and attach here. It's only about 40 seconds long, so it's a pretty small file.

To me it seems to be Sting, but I might be wrong

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  • Elders (Moderators)

I spent half an hour with my headphones on last night, trying to figure this out.. :fool:

Walk in Chinatown

Streets are waiting

------------- centre

thinking about you

Calling ------------- (an obsession?)

calling ------------- (my love?)

I'm looking for a New York clue

how to feel with you

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