Guest Jim McLean Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 A fascinating episode. I've read a few of the threads here, and enjoyed reading some of the issues with the story. Before I go further I must emphasize I've not seen Via Dolorosa. Keep that in mind. :) First off, the "mistakes" largely commented upon. As Zeus says in an earlier thread, I don't think we have any issue with the brothers; that one could have died prior to the father. I don't see a problem there - unless some fabtastic future episode made in the 21st Century - or a rather surprisingly anal reference in an X-Files movie sequel - suggests otherwise. As for the FBI, as I watched the episode, I never got the impression that Frank had been ejected from the FBI, but Frank had decided of his own volition to leave, either confirmed via phone with Andy, or simply Andy summizing what both he and Frank would know is the only option. Given C/S both knew there were episodes following with the same central cast, any other conclusion would be wildly illogical. After these events come to rest, presumably with Frank feeling able to return to work, the lack of a direct charge and the investigative officer's disappearance (and I imagine all the notes he didn't bother to accumulate) the status quo returned. As for the "Legion" aspect, yes, I'd say its Legion and I agree with Zeus' earlier statements that Evil has many faces, and this again is another example. I would say Bletcher, as with the Polaroids are all ties in to the same theme; the "same" evil out to destroy Frank. I think the fact we see Legion in the teaser, is proof that Legion is relevant. I would disagree that Mabius is a face of evil per se, which I'll speak about later. The vital element I think people miss - and where the confusion comes with the ending - is found in the narrative. The central issue of Seven and One is Frank's fear being the element that makes him YAHGER: How can we know if there is such a thing as evil? We take it on faith as we accept God. But if we fear it, do we not misplace our faith? Evil dwells where fear lives. In a heart without fear, evil can find no purchase. Legion's power comes from Frank's fear. The control over Frank comes from his fear, which is the crux of Frank's motivation in this episode. It's all about Fear, and the episode shows us the crux of Frank's fears - the forces of Legion (Bletchers death, the question of his visions), his childhood fears (the pool), the Millennium Group (the interview on video), Jordan's protection (the blood on her bed). In fact, the poloroid is a very good allegory as to how Frank's fears continue to control him as the pictures once again taunt him. Until he learns to face and put aside his fear, Evil will always be looking to take him and the investments he holds dear (as Saturn.. showed us a few episodes back). And this all resolves - somewhat - at the end, when trapped under water, as he was as a child. Through the pictures Frank is being taunted by the fear which in the end Evil uses to drown him with. Frank is released from his fear as soon as he accepts it. After several attempts to escape, he surrenders to his fear - watch as he lets himself drift downwards into the water. One could even question whether the priest's question about grief is as much an omen in itself, for he does face his own mortality and goes through a spiritual change by the end of the episode. Yahger says, "I know when we see visions of the deceased, we are moved. We can't but help feel it an omen. Often of mortality. Have you reconciled Catherine's death... how about your own?" could he be referring to Frank's "death" and "rebirth" in this episode? That this whole episode leads up to Frank's own mortality, moves past fear and comes out the other side? It's a questionable angle, which might read too much into the whole ideology of the episode. I guess in the end one has to grieve before they can overcome their pain - or fear; if you don't reconcile your fears, you can't overcome them. If you don't accept your pain, you can't find freedom from your fear. All this ties in with Hollis' confrontations: YAHGER: Evil dwells where fear lives. In a heart without fear, evil can find no purchase. Hollis shows no fear at her self confrontation, in fact, she lowers her gun rather than attacking. And I think that's meant to show Hollis' victory over Legion. YAHGER: Let your strength equal his fear. When it comes for you. This comment by Yahger seems to tie in directly with her confrontation. She shows resolve, not fear and thereby Evil has no power to take her. YAHGER: God, love, goodness. Those things reside in our connections with other people. Those ties must be strong, or evil takes root. It is those who feel the strongest that evil wants most. Again, a little speculation, but the dialogue and events seem to imply that both Frank and Hollis were tested, and they both passed - and somehow Hollis' determination was the support that Frank would require - if we take the priests advice literally. As for Mabius, the answer there is simple, and I don't think its directly to imply that Mabius is "evil", but that Mabius represents what Frank fears: THERAPIST: I know you. What do you want? BOXER: To show you Frank's fear – is real. Legion's transformation into Mabius is more to show what Frank's fear is - the Millennium Group - the very answer which the therapist ignored when Frank was interviewed in "Innocents". The whole episode seems to be about Frank and fear as a conceptual control that Evil consistently uses over him. FRANK: I have misjudged my gift. If I see in the darkness it's because there is light. And it is the light which guides me now. The light that will not go out, that will lead us out of the dark night. If we let ourselves feel this, too. It will protect me, as it protects those around me. Even as the ancient forces try to steal out breaths. That through his encounter that Frank realised that even in the depth of the water, he could still see the light of the sky above; that while he could see, there was hope, and through hope he could stop fighting from fear, and believe in the light. Maybe that's what Emma Hollis was. She defied Legion, spoiled the plan, and Frank was released - she was Frank's light. So even as the ancient forces try to dominate the destiny of the world - and Frank himself, Frank has found hope within his visions, that they aren't just about fear and suffering, but the fact that he can only see them because of the light which gives him sight. I think that realisation stopped him from being taken by Legion before Hollis could confront their enemy and release him. Seems to me that as with mythology, Evil plays in "trials" and this trial of fear was focused on Frank's personal pain from long past, a fear that was the greatest he had experienced. He found light within that trial and that hope was manifested in Emma's friendship and determination to find him. Some things to think upon, but I don't think this was an inconsistent episode and unlike some in season three, the link between events and theme is far more tanigable than usual. The vague elements (the reprisals of the therapists death with Frank's kitchen knife, the specific nature of Emma's confrontation with Legion) add a slight layer of uncertainty to a very clear theme which has a beginning, middle and end. Happy New Year!
Guest Jim McLean Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 I have to take issue with this as I remember the days when this was first discussed. I wrote a whole diatribe with regards to the inaccuracies, all 'high falutin' and vainglorious and certainly over-ponderous yet I am mortified when my words are misrepresented in Zeus' pathological support of Season Three and trust me it was never my intention to add such 'faggots to the pyre'. I shall respond with a calm approach shortly but as Zeus names me in the original thread and champions me for providing an explanation as to the brother's enigma I am revulsed that my words could support such an unsound theory. Could you explain what's so unsound about Zeus' take on your point - or what your point was intended to be E? I admit that a gravestone is less relative in its detail, but given we know how recent his father's death was, and how we only saw one brother, and there new information that there was a second - who for all we know, may not even be a full blood brother, or a brother of the same father - there is enough sway to integrate the information painlessly, even though I sincerely doubt it is any more than error.
Guest Jim McLean Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 I have no idea my friend. I can't even make sense of it now lol. What a load of bogus old crap one writes whilst staring at the bottom of a glass. T'was the New Year and one had been on the 'sauce'. I shall write a cogent reply when the alka seltzer take effect. I look forward to it and I will pray for the personality schisms alcohol and the New Year seem to have created in your mind. Enjoy the annual time out.
Guest ZeusFaber Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 I am very confused. What words of eth's exactly am I supposed to have "misrepresented" now? It seems this thread was only started today, and since I have only just read it this minute and certainly not posted anywhere, I find it very bizarre that I could have done anything, let alone twist someone's words and offend them. It seems I can't even log on to TIWWA anymore without being nailed to the proverbial cross. It also seems that eth's posts being quoted by Laredo have also been deleted by someone (either eth or a moderator). What on Earth is going on here?
ethsnafu Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 T'was deleted by yours truly and take no notice my friend. I was totally saunced and have no idea what I thought I saw or what I thought I was writing or even what my name was lol. Just ignore it and apologies for such drunken rubbish. Happy New Year by the way!
Guest ZeusFaber Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Fair enough. To quote The Simpsons, alchohol -- the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. Happy New Year to you too, one and all.
Guest Jim McLean Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 What a short memory you have Zeus. Do you not remember so vividly the night of the 15th September 2005, where upon you posted this comment? ;) That was the post I was referencing initially (as I said in the opening sentence, I've been reading up on past comments) and it was one which E picked up on even in his drunken yet merry state; that your assertion then was based on previous dialogue between you and he so long, long ago. Just to clarify how you could find yourself so frequently referenced on a topic which neither I nor yourself have had previous dialogue upon. ;)
Guest ZeusFaber Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Strangely, no, I don't remember a comment from over two years ago! Still, I don't see any reference to eth in that post linked to above.
Elders (Moderators) Viivi Posted January 2, 2008 Elders (Moderators) Posted January 2, 2008 (edited) Thanks for a brilliant post, Laredo. I simply love this episode! I think you're right about fear being the key of it. To my mind, guilt (or feelings of guilt, not exactly the same thing) also plays an important role here - Frank's vision of Catherine and Bletcher, the haunting memory of the childhood incident at the pond.. as he was just a child when the accident took place, and saw things like a child sees them, he might have felt at least partially responsible for the drowning, especially when it happened as a result of his brother's attempt to defend him. In a way, fear and guilt are tied together here. There's a fear of (unintentionally) doing something that would lead to a disaster, or not being able to protect someone. Edited January 2, 2008 by dontbesodark
ethsnafu Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 I have to say that I had never noticed the quite obvious thematic use of 'fear' here and I truly thank the both of you for opening my eyes to this episode. Methinks I may have concentrated too devoutly of the casual use of prophecy, cycles of tribulation and the Legion mythos - to realise there is a gentler mythology to be hard here is wonderful stuff. It is one of my favourite episodes and is now one I will enjoy all the more.
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